What to do

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What to do

Post by Nick »

OK, so totally unrelated to pipe making, but I need a sounding board. So back at the New York show, I sold off a few pipes to a reputable pipe retailer. Just lastnight I saw a few of these pipes online. One jumped out at me right away. And not because i missed it, but because the pipe was listed as unsmoked. Lemme just say right up front, I am not a guy to keep a pipe unsmoked long, and this one was no exception. It was smoked and smoked well when I let it go. But on the web, the bowl is bare briar. The bowl had a bowl coating when I bought it at the NASPC show five or six years back, but along with the carbon cake i deposited there, its not to be seen. Its possible that this pipe is not the one i sold. It is a standard shape. But I really doubt it. I'd know that pipe anywhere. Still, if i press the issue, where can I go? The guy can say he had another one like it. Its not like i put my initials on it. But the fact that I recognize it, and that another of my pipes was put up on his site at the same time makes me very confident. What to do though?
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Re: What to do

Post by LexKY_Pipe »

Guess you could contact the seller and let him know of your concern. At least he would have to deal with his conscience at that point.

From the heart of the Blue Grass.
Lexington, KY

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Re: What to do

Post by m.c. »

I hope the guy doesn't charge you the "restoration" cost if talk breaks down and you want the pipe back. Anyway, you'll have another "new" pipe. :D

You can always sell online in your own name and the customer ends up with the same pipe without paying the extra.
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