unfinished pipes

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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by Massis »

you have to admit, the stem/shank transition is flush :-D

But then again, I don't have a right to judge in this matter, as I have the same if not less experience than mr Boekweg. (Just a note: Boekweg means "book gone" in Dutch :o )
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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by Boekweg »

baweaverpipes wrote:Hey Boekweg,
I have a question, is there anywhere one can view your creations? Have you made a pipe, or are you simply a poster on this forum?
well as hawky454 clearly showed everyone there is a pipe on this forum that i did make. critique away if you will. i wasnt hiding it, its been on this forum for quite some time now. i am also getting ready to post a couple of more pipes on here soon. they are not finished yet but if you must, i will post them unfinish. But just f.y.i. i am not selling them for $100.00 a pop either. one is for me and the other two are for friends.

Just a note. This thred was never intended to "bag" on anyone. It was about the pipes and the sale price. I am glad that at least kurt and one other understood this. And as you can see i have edited my thred so as not to offend.

So now can everyone just drop this thred and leave it alone. I regret even posting it now.
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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by wdteipen »

A pipe is worth exactly what someone will pay for it.
Wayne Teipen
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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by Massis »

well said Wayne, It's a bit like a Picasso. I think most of them are quite ugly, but people will pay millions to have one.
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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by Mike Messer »

Boekweg wrote:Has anyone else seen these sites? pipe makers that seem to make what looks like unfinished pipes.
I'm sorry, but i'm not that impressed by these pipes. They seem to resemble unfinished briar blocks with stems in them.
They are selling these things form between $85.00 to $110.00 as far as i can see.
With the critique i have seen you guys give on this forum, (with much better quaulity pipes) how is this posible?
I don't see any specific reference to a pipemaker being criticized in the initial post (quoted above) so I'm inclined to side with Boekweg on this. His question seems to be more about a type of work rather than any specific person's work.
But, I'm not sure, exactly what the pipes in question are. I'm assuming they are not pipe kits which are finished by the buyer, although they sound kind-of like pipe kits.

P.S. I haven't been posting much, lately, so it's probably just the guys are getting desparate for something to jump at. Sorry. It's Kurt's fault. I'm still on Moderation. :lol:
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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by RadDavis »

I don't see any specific reference to a pipemaker being criticized in the initial post
The original initial post has been edited to delete the name of the maker.

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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by Boekweg »

RadDavis wrote:The original initial post has been edited to delete the name of the maker.
You don't need to step in for me Rad. If you would have just given me time to hop on this forum, i would have told mike that myself.
Boekweg wrote:So now can everyone just drop this thred and leave it alone.
I mean it, please let it go!

If anyone has any questions about this thread, simply pm. me, and i will gladly explain.
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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by RadDavis »

You don't need to step in for me Rad. If you would have just given me time to hop on this forum, i would have told mike that myself.
I'm not quite sure why you thought I was "stepping in for you". I was responding to Mike's post.

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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by Boekweg »

RadDavis wrote:I'm not quite sure why you thought I was "stepping in for you". I was responding to Mike's post.
My piont is, that i would have told him that myself. But you already knew that. I'm pretty sure at this piont in the thred, your just simply trying to piss me off!
And your doing a good job of it!

Like i said, just pm. me and tell me that. no further posts are necessary.
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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by Massis »

Boekweg, I think you should calm down a bit. It's fairly normal on a forum for the first one who comes along and knows the answer to reply, as Rad did. (whoops, sorry for stepping in Rad!)
In no way can I see Rad trying to get on your nerves in these last posts (hey, there's a first time for everything!), you are just being biased because he was the first to point out it's rude to break down other peoples work the way you did. (and he was right)

Besides, to go back ontopic: have you ever considered the fact that pipe kits (so actual unfinished pipes) often go for as much as €30 (= $45) at least here in Europe, so a finished pipe can easily go for twice that (nearly the $100 price tag you mentioned) even if they still look unfinished. Or the fact that a decent plateaux block of reasonable size can be worth $45 without even drilling it. If these pipes were as bad as you claim, $100 is still not thàt much if they were made out of good briar and good ebonite.
And last but not least: there's always the appreciation factor. If I like it, I might pay $300 for it, even if you think it's not even worth $10.

Just my $0.02
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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by RadDavis »

Boekweg, I think you should calm down a bit. It's fairly normal on a forum for the first one who comes along and knows the answer to reply, as Rad did. (whoops, sorry for stepping in Rad!)
In no way can I see Rad trying to get on your nerves in these last posts (hey, there's a first time for everything!), you are just being biased because he was the first to point out it's rude to break down other peoples work the way you did. (and he was right)
Thanks, Massis. I'm glad someone here understands how a forum works. :lol:

Actually, it was Sasquatch that first pointed out Boekweg's faux pas.

Just setting the record straight. :wink:

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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by Mike Messer »

Okay, I got a message from Boekweg, and he told me he had edited his original post and removed Tom Leedy's name, but I still don't think it's a big deal that he brought up the topic. This is a public forum. Granted, I might not like it if someone critiqued my pipes on a forum without my knowledge, but they have a perfect right to speak their mind on any forum, anytime, I think.
I searched for the name and found: http://tomleedypipes.com/
I think his pipes are pretty good, and if Boekweg had not mentioned him, I might have never discovered Tom Leedy, so, criticism and controversy is not so bad. It's a PR tool that Hollywood celebs use a lot to stay in the public eye and mind.
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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by Sasquatch »

Rod, if you ever throw me under the bus again like that I will screw your sister a second time.

Hope this helps.

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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by Boekweg »

Please allow me to formally apologize to anyone on this forum that i have upset or offended during the course of this thread. My question was answered and my thead was edited so as not to offend.
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Re: unfinished pipes

Post by Massis »

RadDavis wrote:Thanks, Massis. I'm glad someone here understands how a forum works. :lol:

Actually, it was Sasquatch that first pointed out Boekweg's faux pas.

Just setting the record straight. :wink:

You should see the crap we have to put up with sometimes on the dutch pipe smokers forums (pijprokersforum.nl, where I admin. But in general it's the nices forum I've ever been a part of) :D

Besides, there was no reason for you to step in, Sasquatch would've told us himself that he was first!

Boekweg: I'm glad you understand now. Furthermore I think you did the right thing by editing your first post.
And last: I agree Leedy's pipes look unfinished. However, that's obviously the look he was going for, and you can still see there's alot of work put in to them. I even quite like some of them!
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