Look at your work before you finish

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Look at your work before you finish

Post by kkendall »

This is for those of us rookies out here that are looking to take our work to the next level. I did something that I think is going to help me (will some other guys too I would guess). I shaped a pipe yesterday to about the shape I was shooting for, but didn't complete it. I knew I still had some thinning to do on the stem, but wanted to call it a day.

Here is the point...
I took a couple of pics to study. I'm glad I did. As I was looking at them, I noticed several areas that I just couldn't "see" when I was working on it. So for the next several pipes, I think I will be taking pictures before I call them "done" so I can see if I really AM done!

Here are some of the things I noticed in the pics that just didn't get my attention when I was sanding (some of them I DID notice though - like thinning the stem behind the button, but some I didn't)

In the first pic,
* the stem needs to be thinner behind the button (no news there)
* the top of the stem has a slight hump toward the shank side
* the heel could have a better flow to the bottom of the bowl


In the next 2 pics,
* notice the dip right at the shank/stem junction (really showed up in the first pic - but didn't notice it at all till I saw that pic!)
* will need to thin the rest of the stem to the narrowest point seen at the junction
* bring in the sides of the shank so there isn't so much flare into the bowl
* the left side of the bowl needs to be trimmed down a bit more



Anyway - the whole point is - (at least for me) get a really good look at your work while it's in progress so you can assess the details and see what needs the attention.
Last edited by kkendall on Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by smokindawg »

Good idea and point Kim. I hadn't thought about a picture. I like the idea and as most know, after taking a picture of a pipe you finished, you tend to see things you could have changed to make the pipe better. So your idea makes perfect sense too.

With the one I just finished, I would work a while then set it down and do something else for a while. I'd then pick it up and hold it up and look at all sides, each time I was able to see something I had missed.
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Post by Olivier »

Great post and a very good idea. With digital photography one could almost say it's for free and you can scrutinize your work from a different perspective. A picture speaks a thousand words and it will help a lot if the "wrong" words are spoken before it's too late. Strange how a pic highlites mistakes usually not visible to the eye. It's almost like getting somebody elses opinion on your work.
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Post by Charl »

Great idea! I find that even just putting the pipe down for a day and then having a look again also helps. But taking photos really highlights the problem areas.
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