Logan 200 in Pittsburg, PA - cheap!

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Logan 200 in Pittsburg, PA - cheap!

Post by hollywood »

http://www.asset-auctions.com/cgi-bin/m ... allen73/39

Found this while searching for info on a Logan I found locally. Somebody has to go get it if they are close! Might go cheap!!
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Post by JHowell »

Cheap, and deservedly so. Rusty, not good. Can't see a drive to go with it. If the drive is there and somebody has a burning desire to spend a couple of months restoring it, it would be worth a hundred. For that price a guy could part it out and make some money, but a lathe doesn't look like that unless it hasn't run for years. Sometimes lathes don't get run because there's no work for them in the shop, but usually it's because they can't. My Logan 200 was in just about that shape, and that was because it had been crashed hard. Check out the big Henley in that auction. That's how a working lathe looks.
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Post by Frank »

JHowell wrote:Check out the big Henley in that auction. That's how a working lathe looks.
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