First-ever customer feedback for my shop

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First-ever customer feedback for my shop

Post by LatakiaLover »

:D :D :D

There aren't many repairmen here on Kurt's site (Hell, there aren't many in the world :lol: ), because it just isn't a popular thing to be fascinated by, but you guys are the closest I've found. At least you understand what's involved, you know?

So, with that in mind, I wanted to share something. The first box-o-repairs & restems to have arrived back in a customer's hands just did, and he posted about it. (Man, when I saw the thread header, I was nervous... the guy worked for years as a violin restorer---the kind of place where a $100,000 violin takes a year to get refurbed for ten grand---and I was afraid he'd measure my work by those standards.)

Such dread is all the more sweet when it turns out to be unfounded, I can tell you that! :mrgreen:

I'm gonna go down to my tiny town's even tinier tavern, and have myself a beer, I think:
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Post by RadDavis »

Congratulations, LL! I expected nothing less. You seem to be a detail oriented guy. :)

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