5th pipe for review ANSE

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5th pipe for review ANSE

Post by FC3 »

So this is my 5th pipe. It's been a while since I had time for another project but here it is in hope for some good pointers so I can continue to improve my new hobby. For this one I picked the smallest block I had and it was the same width as the bowl is finished so there wasn't room for an egg shaped bowl. But I have realized I really need to work on making the button lol. I cut the slot first and then shaped the stem but now I'm thinking it may have been easier to cut the slot last.....oh well.
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Re: 5th pipe for review ANSE

Post by DocAitch »

Your symmetry and finish look good, as does the general shape of the shank and stem.
I cut the slot first to maintain orientation of the bite area. I think most carvers do.
The button should not extend laterally beyond the edges of the bite area.
It is hard to tell, but it looks like the chin of the bowl dips below the line of the shank. I don't look at many Devil Anses, but I don't remember that from the few I've seen.
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Re: 5th pipe for review ANSE

Post by FC3 »

Thanks for the feedback. Yes the bowl does dip below the shank. Good eye, I was afraid of getting the bottom of the bowl too thin. Right now it is about 1/16" and that is about how far I would have had to bring it back up to be inline. So how thin is too thin? I assume at some point you would be prone to a burnout in the bottom?
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Re: 5th pipe for review ANSE

Post by kamkiel »

These pipes with thin spots are a great learning experience. You could smoke the pipe as is and see if/how quickly it will burnout on that thin spot. You could also try putting a bowl coat in and seeing how that works. I have a pipe I made (smoking it right now) that was so thin in one spot it was translucent. I put a bowl coat in it, and haven't had a problem yet. I have another pipe that was thin on the bottom, and while trying to smoke the last of the nubblins in the bowl it burnt. I still use that pipe too. Other than a darker burnt spot on the bottom of the pipe, it is fine.

Regardless, part of enjoying the hobby is enjoying and learning from your work.

Like Doc, I don't know about much about this shape either. I agree with his comments concerning the stem. The left and right sides of the stem bulge out like you wanted to fish tail it, but then stopped.

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Re: 5th pipe for review ANSE

Post by FC3 »

Thank you for the feedback. I have modified the stem a bit and yes I was going to fishtail it but got a bit carried away with the sander while shaping....so long fishtail. As for the chin of the bowl below the shank it will just be off I suppose. The pipe is for a friend and I'm afraid to get the bottom too thin and create a problem. I would rather it just last a lifetime for him than thin the bottom down and it burn out. But with this I'm learning and that is the main objective with the first pipes we make right? Here are a couple pics of the modified stem and the off symmetry at the chin.
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Re: 5th pipe for review ANSE

Post by DocAitch »

The stem looks much better, but you could still take those "wings" off where the button projects laterally.
I generally work only with files in this area, finding it way too easy to over cut with power tools.
I am sure your friend will appreciate and enjoy this pipe.
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Re: 5th pipe for review ANSE

Post by Charl »

Go and have a serious look at decent pipemaker's buttons. You'll learn tons if you do.
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Re: 5th pipe for review ANSE

Post by FC3 »

Thanks, it's defiantly an area I really need to work on.
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