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Let's talk about stems baby.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:29 pm
by E.L.Cooley
So I am test driving that poker I finished a while back. Smokes nicely for a nose warmer a little hot. This is I think the forth stem I have cut. It is absolutely the most uncomfortable stem I have ever smoked.
I have seen a couple rules of thumb for comfortable stems. Can you guys help me out with stem shaping guidelines. I've seen where the bite zone should be at or under
.15" and width should be at or under 16mm. Where should I be on button hight overall. Bite zone thickness and length. How much flat across and how curved to the sides. How thick should a button be from end of stem to bite zone. Really I am most concerned with how to I shape a comfortable bite? My jaw appreciates any input you might have?

Sent from my banana phone.

Re: Let's talk about stems baby.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:49 pm
by sandahlpipe
You got the basics there. Thin towards the edges works well, but not sharp. Also, you want the bite zone to be more or less flat. I usually make the buttons on saddle stems about 5mm tall, but most people make them more like 6mm and that's fine. You need the button taller if you have a chubbier tapered stem. Otherwise the stem will feel uncomfortable. Personally, for the stems I make myself, I make them about 3mm behind the button. I don't sell them that way, though, lest someone bite through or try to remove bite marks by sanding later on and ruin my stem.

One last thing I can think of is to make sure the stem is not wider than the button. If it's wider on the sides, it won't be very comfortable. Make it straight on the sides or fishtail at the button.

This is all stuff I've learned by doing it wrong, in case anyone wants to know. Hurray for quality control!

Re: Let's talk about stems baby.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 11:15 pm
by E.L.Cooley
Thanks Jeremiah. And thank you for what you had to say earlier about quality. There is a guy who said he wanted this pipe. It's not bad looking but I kind of munched the mortise a bit. You reminded me that I don't want anyone smoking a faulty piece from me and then I packed it and found this stem miserable. Thanks for quality control.

Sent from my banana phone.

Re: Let's talk about stems baby.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 11:31 pm
by sandahlpipe
Glad to help a brother out. :-) I know I've sold pipes with uncomfortable stems, but I haven't sold anything where I knew better. The more I learn, the fewer pipes make it out the door. Maybe someday I can improve my speed and still get them done quickly.

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Re: Let's talk about stems baby.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 11:47 pm
by E.L.Cooley
Yeah I'm just doing it for fun. I would rather take my time and make something than be tempted to recoup $60 and have crap in someone's hand.

Sent from my banana phone.