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Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:14 pm
by T. Pollock
Hi guys, Thought I would introduce myself. I've been smoking a pipe for about three yrs now, and enjoy it very much. I have been making knives for about 5 yrs., but recently had to quit because of some health issues. Since I've done both machine work and wood work for yrs. I thought I would try my hand at making pipes. About a year ago a machinist friend of mine asked me if I would make him a pipe, he has helped me tremendously so I oblidged. His only request was that it all be made of aluminum (including the bowl), and no he's not a pot head. Being a machinest he just wanted it to be all metal for the principle of it. Anyway, enough rambling on. Here is a picture of the pipe I made for him, and another pipe I just recently made from Walnut just for practice. I hope to learn alot from you guys, and am proud to be part of the group.

PS. Couldn't figure out how to post the pics so hopefully the links will work.

Re: Newbie

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:02 pm
by Ocelot55
Welcome to the forum!

Pretty cool pipes. I bet you could make a briar bowl for that aluminum pipe. What is the stem made out of?

Re: Newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:33 am
by wmolaw
That aluminum pipe looks a lot like a Kirsten, really nice!

Re: Newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:41 am
by wdteipen
That metal pipe is really cool.

Re: Newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:43 am
by the rev


Re: Newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:47 pm
by bikedoctor

What is the bowl lined with?

Re: Newbie

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:42 am
by T. Pollock
Thanks for all the kind words guys! I'm proud to be here and thanks for the warm welcome. The stem of the aluminum pipe is a lucite stem I had as an extra from another pipe, and I modified it to work on this pipe. The Kirsten was my inspiration for the pipe. I love all kinds of pipes and although I rarely smoke a metal pipe, being a machinist the designs and craftsmanship of the metal pipes are really interesting to me. I tried every way possible to talk the customer out of having the bowl made of aluminum, but being a machinist I understood his principle. The bowl doesn't have a lining, as he specefied he wanted no wood. I had joked with all my other friends that he would probably have to wear his welding gloves to be able to smoke the pipe,Lol. To my amazement, the bowl didn't get any hotter than a briar bowl (I know hard to believe). I love a challenge and I'm looking forward to making some briar pipes. I have 8 blocks of briar on the way, so hopefully soon I'll get to make my first briar pipe. By the way, the stem on the Walnut pipe wasn't fitted to the pipe as I was just practicing. I just borrowed the two stems from other pipes for the pictures.
Thanks again for the warm welcome. I look forward to learning alot here, and maybe someday I can contibute something that might be of help to someone else.