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The Cutty pipe6

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:09 pm
by BigCasino
recently this shape has caught my eye, thought I would give it a try

5 1/2 inches long
2" high
1 1/2 wide
chamber is 3/4 x 1 1/5
vulcanite saddle stem with a Bocote ring


you can make fun of the pipe just don't make fun of my polished nails

Re: The Cutty pipe6

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:29 pm
by wisemanpipes
nice pipe man,
i woulda cut the shank off so as to get rid of that pit.
it needs some refining around the shand stem transition. seems a bit rounded but other wise good job.

Re: The Cutty pipe6

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:35 am
by andrew
I think I might put this more in the belge category. Your stem angle is off from your shank angle. The stain is a nice even gold, so plus there. Take a look at some of Eltang's or Weaver's cuttys Either of those will give youba good idea of where to go.

Re: The Cutty pipe6

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:26 pm
by BigCasino
Thanks for the advice Andrew but I am not sure what you mean by stem angle and shank angle, and why a belge over a cutty?

Re: The Cutty pipe6

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:13 am
by AlfaDog
Yo Harry. Ashauler sent me a chart with all the classic pipe shapes on it and identified by name. I'll send you a copy when i get to my PC, probably tomorrow. It was embarassing for me copying pictures of pipes that only had a number and a price. I'm finally going to know what I'm making. LOL I think this is your best executed pipe so far. Each one has been better than the last. Just keep doing that and you'll be set.

Couple more weeks and i'll be planting little baccy seed. Sure am glad, I bout got the cabin fever.
Won't it be cool smoking tobacco we grew in pipes we made ourselves? That's going to be a rush.