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Janzen Pfeifen

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:11 am
by Sokolik
I want to share information.

Last year I bought briar Marco Yanzen. (http://www.janzen-pf...h/frameset.html)

In the end of December, received a parcel, which had 15 blocks. 12 of them were cracked in the blocks. It's a shame ......

Mailed to seller. Received a reply, send photos blocks with cracks.

Marco offered to return the money or send new blocks. I chose the blocks.
Today I received a parcel.

As you can imagine, the negatives remain. A pleasure to work with that supplier.

Re: Janzen Pfeifen

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:41 am
by Charl
Wonderful! Good to hear!