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Pipemakers near Greenville SC?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:57 am
by Hudson
I've been looking for any pipemakers in the Upstate SC or around Asheville NC but haven't found any. I'd like to find someone who would collaborate on a pipe with me while showing me how it's done, with me doing as much of the work as feasible. I live in a condo and trying to make a pipe with a drill and a belt sander out on my balcony is frankly, not really ideal.

As an architect and artist I feel comfortable with the aesthetics of the making and although I've designed and built buildings out of wood, I've never worked wood in the way pipemaking requires. So I realize that I'm a newbie and have lots to learn but I do take instruction well and am motivated to learn this craft. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

Re: Pipemakers near Greenville SC?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:55 am
by e Markle
Well I don't know Carolina geography very well, but Adam Davidson is in Myrtle Beach.

Re: Pipemakers near Greenville SC?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:53 pm
by Growley
I wish I were close. I'd be more than happy to work on a pipe together. If you ever want to visit beautiful Southern Alabama let me know.

Re: Pipemakers near Greenville SC?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:03 pm
by Hudson
Thanks guys. Unfortunately, Myrtle Beach is 4hrs and 23 min from Greenville and while I thank you for the encouragement, Growley, Alabama's a ways away too.

I did run across this guy's web site but my e-mail to him came back as undeliverable. Vardry is a pioneer family name around these parts so I'm hoping I might still locate him.

I keep thinking that Asheville would be a great location for a pipemaker. It has a tradition for woodcraft and artisanal items in general, a well-heeled population in the hills around it, and an active alternative culture for whom pipes are commonplace.

I am going to contact some woodworkers here and see if any of them have ever made a pipe. If I do find one, I'll let you know and will encourage him/her (are there any female pipemakers?) to visit here.