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A Thank You

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:33 am
by DMI
As some of you may remember I lost a shipment of briar from Yazid which basicaly put me out of work, with no cash reserves I was well up the creek , to add to this I was trying to finish an order for 15 pipes.

Two people got in touch to try and help me out and I would like to publicly thank them.

Tyler for supplying some magnificent briar- pics of the best pipe from the briar will be posted soon.

Eder for stems and rod which you can't make pipe without.

Both of these people simply got in touch and offered help.

I sat on Tylers briar for ages trying to decide whether to give up and return it or whether to make the effort to carry on, things got pretty bad over Christmas and I had more or less decided to call it a day as a maker when I got an email from one of my customers asking for a pipe. After explaining the situation he was very supportive and without my knowledge contacted more of my customers and supportive emails started coming in. With this I was able to pull myself together a bit and started working on some small pieces of briar I picked up on ebay.

Then as a New Years gift I recieved an offer of a pre paid order for 30 pipes, it took until February to sort out the details with me constantly worrying that the customer would pull out. When the payment arrived I broke down in tears, someone was going out on a limb to give me a chance.

So I'm back.

The almost four month break has done some good, my attitude has changed slightly and hopefully this will show in my pipes. One thing which I have noticed is that when I look at a piece of briar I no longer think what could I make from it but what am I going to make from it.


Re: A Thank You

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:50 am
by Ocelot55
That's an amazing story, David. I'm so glad to hear that you're back in the saddle again. The generosity you experienced speaks volumes about this community, one which I am proud to be a part of. I will echo your thanks to Tyler and Eder, two people who are at the core of this community. I don't think there exits a more magnanimous group. I wish you the most sincere best of luck in this new year.

Re: A Thank You

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:34 pm
by d.huber
Ocelot55 wrote:That's an amazing story, David. I'm so glad to hear that you're back in the saddle again. The generosity you experienced speaks volumes about this community, one which I am proud to be a part of. I will echo your thanks to Tyler and Eder, two people who are at the core of this community. I don't think there exits a more magnanimous group. I wish you the most sincere best of luck in this new year.
100% + 1. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Re: A Thank You

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:50 pm
by Charl
David, this is wonderful! Glad you're on again and thanks to a wonderful community!

Re: A Thank You

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:55 pm
by andrew

I am sorry you had such a difficult time. Good to see you are back in the saddle. This group is probabaly one of the best I've ever been part of.



Re: A Thank You

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:39 pm
by caskwith
Well thats awesome! It would have been really sad if you had to stop making pipes. I really did not notice the posts where you mentioned you were having trouble, I guess I don't have the time to lurk here as much as I used to. If you are still in need of any assistance give me a shout in case I can help out in any way :)

Re: A Thank You

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:49 am
by jogilli

glad to have you back.. and as w/Chris.. I must have missed the thread about the issues


Re: A Thank You

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:08 am
by DMI
Thanks guys.

I didn't make a song and dance about it at the time just posted about Yazid and the lost shipment, I have since learned that he has taken a load of peoples money (at least $10,000 in the US alone). It was very much a case of my problem nobody else's, but that's me.

For myself things have pretty well settled down, things are still tight as a fair bit of robbing Peter to pay Paul went on but that should soon be sorted as pipes begin to sell. I have a nice selection of estates going on ebay next week which should raise a couple of hundered pounds which will be going on rods (which are going up in price). So if you know anyone seriously into early (1900 ish) Ben Wades send them my way.


Re: A Thank You

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:10 pm
by bandkbrooks
What an ultimately heartwarming story. There are good people out there. Thanks for posting this.