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Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:40 pm
by JeremyV
I got my first order of briar yesterday and like a kid at Christmas, ran out to the shop to inspect grains and pencil out a design. And this is what I ended up with for my first piece. :(


Now I expect to have a certain percentage of pieces with blemishes, but is this even usable? The chamber wall is only about 3/16". I'm concerned it's gonna burn through.

Opinions, experiences and tall tales please...

Re: Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:42 pm
by KurtHuhn
That's always a buzzkill. That one is trash, unfortunately. At least you got the inevitable out of the way right off the bat.

Re: Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:29 pm
by Sasquatch
That isn't gonna pass. You got a shop pipe there.

That kind of fissure could get worse over time, so it's really a bad idea to try and hide it and hope for the best.

Re: Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:41 pm
by Nate
Shop pipe, and a good one on which to try a rustication technique! :)

Re: Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:40 pm
by JeremyV
Oh, I had no intention of of selling it. I was just wondering if I should even waste a stem on it. I think this one is going to the bucket.

I've got some 400 micron glass in the hopper...I'll see what that looks like just for kicks.

Re: Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:43 am
by Ryan

When your still learning every thing you do, including making stems is worth the effort. Practice makes perfect and all that.

Re: Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:34 pm
by jogilli
I wouldn't even waste a stem on it.. I've gone through five consecutive blocks like that for Supplier A I've used.. and four have been thrown away.. just chucked a new one today.. the one I drilled yesterday has a fissure along the stem about 1/2 deep.. but at least it runs parrallel to the air hole.. with two minor fissures around the bowl..

It will get one of those $1.00 stems from PME and end up a shop pipe if it's usable

Pulled out a block from Supplier B that will be the next one I work on...and will stay with ordering from them

The remaining blocks from Supplier A will be used as test blocks for freehand drilling...


Re: Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:10 pm
by SchmidtN
JeremyV: Have you tried a pothole patch? That pit is big! I feel bad for you. My first piece of briar had a big pit inside the bowl and a bunch of small pits around the outside of the bowl, but that blows all my pits away!

Re: Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:19 am
by JeremyV
SchmidtN wrote:JeremyV: Have you tried a pothole patch? That pit is big! I feel bad for you. My first piece of briar had a big pit inside the bowl and a bunch of small pits around the outside of the bowl, but that blows all my pits away!
Nah, I put a stem from another pipe on it and smoked it a couple times, but it's just sitting out in the shop now. I may come back to it sometime and blast it or something just for practice, but for now, I'm just going to keep working on learning to get my drilling and symmetry refined on other blocks.

Re: Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:10 am
by Boekweg
hey, no wait, capital, Hey wait. @jeremyV imsorrry you gotabum briar block, that sucks! i cant say much bes=cause im really "f"d up right now, but i got some blocks like that myself. not sure where im going with is....did i type this corectly??

Re: Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:33 am
by JeremyV
Boekweg wrote:hey, no wait, capital, Hey wait. @jeremyV imsorrry you gotabum briar block, that sucks! i cant say much bes=cause im really "f"d up right now, but i got some blocks like that myself. not sure where im going with is....did i type this corectly??
Well, in this case "correctly" is relative. :lol:

Yes, you did say that you also have some bum blocks, but I'm not sure what it is that I'm supposed to be waiting on.

Eggs, B vitamins and lots of water will help with the hang over. ;)

Re: Are we allowed to say "damnit" in here?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:40 am
by Massis
JeremyV wrote:
Boekweg wrote:hey, no wait, capital, Hey wait. @jeremyV imsorrry you gotabum briar block, that sucks! i cant say much bes=cause im really "f"d up right now, but i got some blocks like that myself. not sure where im going with is....did i type this corectly??
Well, in this case "correctly" is relative. :lol:

Yes, you did say that you also have some bum blocks, but I'm not sure what it is that I'm supposed to be waiting on.

Eggs, B vitamins and lots of water will help with the hang over. ;)
the best cure for a hangover (except for not drinking alcohol off course) is drinking lots of water BEFORE going to bed. It works the best if you drink the water between the glasses of alcohol (have at least a glass of water after every 2 beers).
You'll be as drunk as usual (if that's what your goal is), but without the headache (or throwing up) in the morning...