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Smooth Ball aka Fat Boy II

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 12:25 pm
by ArtGuy
Here is another pipe that I did right after Fat Boy. I really like the these and decided to do more along the same line as the original Fat Boy. I thought the grain on this one was really striking.




This is not as fat as his cousin but still has that nice " fill your hand" quality. It is totaly smooth and has a 3/4" chamber and squared off shank.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 2:09 pm
by marks
Of the pipes I have seen of yours, this is my favorite so far. From the pictures, the pipe looks more symetrical than others I have seen, and it shows a real progression in your work. The lines on the shank look straight and even between the top and bottom, and the line does not waver. The front of the bowl looks pretty symetrical with the back, and I think this is your best effort so far in this area.

I agree with you that the grain on this pipe is striking. I also think you did a great job with the finish, as it really shows off the grain. I would be very interested to hear how you finished this pipe (I know all pipemakers work very hard to develop unique finishes, so if you don't want to reveal what you did with this pipe, I understand).

My only concern with this pipe, but it is one that is easily fixed, if indeed it is a problem, is the depth of the button front to back. From the pictures, it looks a little long.

Altogether, in my opinion, a great looking pipe, and your best yet of the one's I have seen. I like the shape, as well as the Fat Boy name. I hope this style sells well for you, as I would like to see what else you come up with in this line. Two thumbs up!

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 12:01 am
by Tyler

Well done!

I too think this is your best pipe. It is quite a nice pipe, and I know from my own experience making spherical shapes that it is a difficult shape to get right. You seem to have firgured it out pretty well.

I agree that the button looks a little wide, but I think you have already mentioned elsewhere that you are intending to work on that a bit.

The only other thing I'd mention is that by photoing the pipes on the little stand, the bottom line of the pipe is masked. If the shape of this pipe is as nice as it looks, I think it would be very nice to show it off more. I suggest no stand in the photos.

Again, very nice pipe.
