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Where would I have a nomenclature stamp made?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:37 pm
by aaron
So I make pipes and cannot carve my name with a dremmel to save my life. does anyone know where I might have a stamp made and what kind of cost I should expect to pay? I would appreciate it.


Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:57 pm
by jeff
Do a search of the threads here, I know that a few people have posted on this before. I believe that the options range from a generic stamp at around $60 to $300 for a custom stamp. FWIW, I know that there are some other people, like myself, who have opted for individual letter stamps that are available at many hardware stores. Harbor Freight carries the cheapest set that I know of at around $5 for the 1/16 size on sale.


Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:02 pm
by marks
I have not ordered one yet, but when I do I plan on ordering from A&M Steel Co. in Mineola, NY. The contact name I was given was Paul Argendorf, and the number I have is 516-741-6223.

They have made stamps for a lot of pipemakers, and I have heard that the price is around or over $100 per stamp, depending on what you want. I have also heard that their product and service is excellent.

Hopefully, someone that has ordered from them can give you more information.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:19 pm
by ToddJohnson
marks wrote:I have not ordered one yet, but when I do I plan on ordering from A&M Steel Co. in Mineola, NY. The contact name I was given was Paul Argendorf, and the number I have is 516-741-6223.

They have made stamps for a lot of pipemakers, and I have heard that the price is around or over $100 per stamp, depending on what you want. I have also heard that their product and service is excellent.

Hopefully, someone that has ordered from them can give you more information.
Yep, Paul great. His work is excellent, very precise, and the stamps are *extremely* sharp. They're not cheap, but no tool worth having is. I could not reccomend him more highly.

Trever might also have an excellent source for stamps, aside from Paul. I believe his were made somewhere out west.



Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:56 pm
by pipemaker
Here is a link for another source of custom stamps.

I haven't used their product, so I can't comment on their quality or service.


Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 12:03 am
by joshl
I second Todd's opinion of Paul Argendorf. I had a stamp made for $75 (incl. shipping) and had it in a week. Paul's work is incredible and he is very friendly to deal with. I couldn't give a higher recommendation.

Best of luck,

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:04 am
by RocheleauPipes
Yup, Paul at A&M Steel Stamps gets my vote for sure. Good work, great quick service. good guy to deal with.


Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:08 pm
by aaron
well, seeing as paul seems to be "the man," I called him this morning and he said i will have my stamp by the end of next week... just like everyone else I have met in the pipe industry, he was very courteous and helpful. Thank you all for your responces and help.
