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Filing affairs

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:20 pm
by tritrek
Hi all,
I§ve just finished this tamper out of maple wood:
I just have a question: what do you use to fine sand in very narrow parts? If you check my tamper, I'm talking about the part where the "scroll" meets the "neck"...
It's not only about making things perfect, it's more about rougher areas taking up more dye and so becoming darker than other areas..


Re: Filing affairs

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:42 pm
by T3pipes
ideas--3M sanding sponge
sandpaper made with a flexible paper, fold it over and use the edge
Dremel abrasive buffing wheels ... x?pid=511E that can be cut to shape to fit a small space.

Re: Filing affairs

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:46 am
by tritrek
Great ideas! I've tried the folded sandpaper but the problem is, normally only lower grits are textile backed, finer are paper backed and break quickly :(

Re: Filing affairs

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:20 pm
by kbadkar
There is also "sanding cord", which is what it sounds like, abrasive on a string. Also, sanding wands are super handy. I use the wands all the time. I'll see if I can find links.

abrasive cord - ... ,6488.html

sanding wand - ... ,7760.html

other options -,7367.html ... ,9336.html

Micromark isn't necessarily the best supplier. Shop around.