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Forum "Year Pipe" Challenge

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:26 pm
by Sasquatch
I have a proposal for all and any who are interested.

I think it would be fun and edumacational if we all produced a pipe to the same design. A "Pipe Maker's Forum Pipe of the Year". We could each submit a design to be voted on, and each would attempt his own rendition of the design once it was agreed upon.

This would give us all a pipe to talk about the making of, tackle the challenges of, and be directly able to help/critique one another throughout.

So the obvious design candidate to me is the banner pipe at the top of the page, but I'm totally open.

If this project works and is fun, then we could do it every year, or every six months, or whatever guys want. I suspect that it will take awhile for the details to come together, and then I would want a month or two to get the pipe to happen.

Any thoughts? :D

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:28 pm
by KurtHuhn
You know, I talked about a PITH a few months back, and then promptly forgot about the whole thing. It's a great idea, and one that someone should definitely run with. (i.e. not me, because I'm a forgetful sod :) )

But that being said, I suggest we try a different design - one not based on the banner pipe. My reasoning is:
- that pipe, as drawn, has several mistakes, one of which makes it nearly impossible to make
- everybody already knows what that pipe looks like, and we'd probably end up with a dozen pipes exactly alike
- forgive me for saying this, and I can say it because I drew it, but it's a rather ugly design and is disproportionate in a couple of ways
- I already own a pipe based on that drawing, gifted to me by members of this forum (and a hell of a lot better looking!), and I want it to remain the only one in existence, thus increasing it's value and the eventual wealth of my descendants :D

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:41 pm
by Sasquatch
Well, for the sake of your heirs, Kurt, we'll do something else. :D

In all honesty, it might be better NOT to do a bulldog anyway, because I suspect that a number of participants may not have the ability to turn the block. It might be better to do a shape that lends itself equally to turned or freehand execution.

We could relax it right to a "theme pipe" rather than a specific design, but it would get harder and harder to judge. "Freehand under 50 grams" would be a pretty broad category...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:43 pm
by SimeonTurner
Hehe, I was going to say, the PITH idea kind of died on the vine. LOL It was a bummer, cause it sounded fun!

I really like this idea. It would be fun to see the different results based on a common design. It might also allow for both ends of the spectrum to get more involved comfortably (the newbies might not feel as intimidated about making a pipe they don't have to send away like PITH, and the veterans might feel more inclined to make a pipe they don't have to give away like PITH).

Anyhoo....I would be glad to help get/keep the ball rolling on this if people are interested. I'm not feeling especially creative right now, so I won't offer up any design ideas at the moment. Anyone have thoughts?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:11 pm
by Sasquatch
Agree, ST, I think one of the real important aspects of this is that we CAN involve anyone. No one really "loses". The less experienced can learn, the more experienced can "show up" and the masters can play if they feel like it.

I mean, clearly, I'll win no matter what, but that shouldn't stop others from playing. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:29 pm
by Chris Morgan
How about a horn shape or something? There's not much of a clear standard for that shape, so it may not work, but it would be cool to see everyones interpretation. Or maybe something more showy like a wax drip. I dunno. Just some food for thought.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:33 pm
by ASB
I'd be in on it.

I think a particular shape rather than "freehand under 50 grams" would be better, though, it would allow everyone to share ideas, suggestions, possible pitfalls, etc.

My problem is finding the time, but I think that by the first of October I could have one ready to go to Richmond (CORPS pipe show Oct. 3 & 4) if we wanted to have a good meeting place to compare.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:53 am
by daniel
i live in finland, and i´d like to suggest the PITH idea to resurrect.
as i am probably somewhat strange,
i would like to see pipes, that are deformed or diseased or cracked.
it would give a nice variety of finishing thecnicues...
just a thought... i have kind of tried it out already with few pipes,
for example on this one on the gallery ... G_6586.jpg

i think i got it looking sick.