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Logan in Chicago!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:15 pm
by hollywood
Had to post a link to this beautiful Logan lathe that is in the Chicago area. Dirt Cheap!!! Wish I could make it up there, because it would be mine!!

I'm not affiliated with the seller in any way. I have left him a message to ask a few questions. Maybe I need to make a road trip out of it!?!?!? :shock:

edit - I may just be driving to Chicago! :wink:

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:48 pm
by JHowell
If you don't, I will. That's an 11, looks to be in great shape.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:27 pm
by hollywood
Now, i'm just waiting on a call back. Already set-up a truck to go get it! Come on and call me already!!! :roll: :D

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:18 pm
by JHowell
My suggestion would be to disassemble it for transport. Very top-heavy on those legs. The drive removes fairly easily once the switch wiring and belt are dealt with. The amount of help you have to move determines the degree of disassembly. I move stuff by myself and usually strip machines to the bed, removing the tailstock, carriage, headstock, legs. The bed weighs about 120# but can be moved by one person, the rest is lighter. : ) Congratulations, I wish I could find one that nice to begin with. Now, don't go and wreck it with sandpaper, cover the ways with plastic before using any kind of abrasive.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:16 am
by hollywood
Well bummer! Lathe was sold in 5 minutes after the listing went up ... well actually BEFORE the listing. A friend of his from work had looked at it and when he told his friend it was now on craigslist; he said he wanted it. Was a good deal for him!

The seller has what he thinks is an even better deal still available though. A large Sheldon lathe complete with "probably $1500 worth of tooling" for $1500 total. Here's the link. Looks fantastic, but it's just out of my $$$ reach right now. If anybody else can do it; I suggest looking close.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:28 am
by JHowell
Yes, the Sheldon does look very nice, but is not terribly underpriced. It's a better machine than the Logan, but the Logan was in great condition and had the advantage of doing everything a pipe maker could want and not a lot of stuff he'd never need and it was priced very, very low. I think 5C collets rock and the Sheldon has some of them that are worth something, but not if you don't use them. Same with all the centers and chucks and whatnot. Now, if I had $1500 and needed a lathe I'd choose that Sheldon over a new Jet, but I have yet to have a pipe maker ask "I have $1500 to spend on a lathe. What should I buy?"