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Another Q for Trever (tobacco this time)

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:00 pm
by LatakiaLover
Is the French workingman's standby tobacco Caporal still made and sold there? It's supposedly so rough-edged and distinctive that no one ever succeeded trying to export it.

With the net knocking down borders and enabling niche markets, maybe there would be a demand these days.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:28 am
by TreverT
Oh yes, that's one of the standbys here, along with St. Claude Gris. I tried a bowl of SCG not long after we moved here, and it proved to be the only tobacco that I've ever been totally unable to make it through a bowl of. HORRIBLE stuff - hot, bitter, nasty, acrid.. I gave my packet away to someone else as a gag gift. I haven't tried Caporal at all, nor the other similar blends here such as Clan, Whiskey, etc.