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Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:10 am
by sethile
Hello pipe making friends,

I've been kicking around an idea for some time, and decided to give it a try--a wiki for pipes. I've called it Pipedia and I would greatly appreciate any ideas you might have as to it's possible worth and viability. It's currently a bare bones start, but check it out when you get a chance:

I'm using mediawiki, which is the backbone that runs on. I've started a few "articles" on pipe makers, currently organized by country. This is just a start mind you. With tons of pipe makers, the task is huge, but I hope to have lots of help, perhaps from some of you :wink:.

Some of the articles I put up to test out the concept include forum members. The section for the United States has the most right now, but I have a few others started too. For now most of the information and pictures are lifted directly off the pipe maker's own websites. Incidentally, if you don't like anything you see, especially in articles about you, feel free to edit, delete, add too, or tell me too to get if off of there if you can't figure it out or want help...

Most of all, I'd love to have help with this project if you think it has merit. The idea of a wiki is anyone interested that has knowledge in a given area can work on it. Add or edit information, upload pictures, change the organization or formating. I'm hoping this will be an ongoing community project involving pipe makers, collectors, tobacconists, historians, and enthusiasts.

If we want, we can also have a pipe making sub section, and anything else related to pipes for that mater. We've kicked around a pipe making wiki before. This could easily be part of this, and I'd love that! For now I just have a link to the forum in a "stub" article.

What do you think? I'd like some feed back and will need to refine a few things before I go more public with an announcement. Also, if any of you has any experience with wikis, either administrating them, or as contributors, please let me know. It's all new to me!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:28 am
by Frank
Excellent idea Scott. Many's the time I've hunted the internet for ages looking for info on a particular pipe maker, only to find little or no info.

I've been toying with the idea of compiling a personal database of maker's marks (stamps) cross referenced to maker's names (both past & present). I had a couple of sites bookmarked that each had a few such marks, but lost the bookmarks when I had to reinstall Windows.
A central location like you pipe Wiki would be a great place to contain this info.
If you can figure out how to start such an article, I'll gladly contribute as I come across these marks.

I just popped onto the site & registered.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:12 am
by sethile
Frank wrote:....I've been toying with the idea of compiling a personal database of maker's marks (stamps) cross referenced to maker's names (both past & present). I had a couple of sites bookmarked that each had a few such marks, but lost the bookmarks when I had to reinstall Windows.....
Here's one site I've used a couple of time that has a list of makers stamps or Marques:

Yes, that would be good information to have on Pipedia. Thanks for offering to help with that! I'll think on it a bit and PM you.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:08 pm
by KurtHuhn
Pretty sweet, man!

At the same time, I've been working on a wiki for the pipe makers - focused on pipe making techniques and procedures. I had planned to launch it this coming weekend - but we could easily roll the content into the pipepedia. Thoughts?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:21 pm
by sethile
KurtHuhn wrote:Pretty sweet, man!

At the same time, I've been working on a wiki for the pipe makers - focused on pipe making techniques and procedures. I had planned to launch it this coming weekend - but we could easily roll the content into the pipepedia. Thoughts?
Thanks Kurt! Great to here about your plans for the pipe making wiki... great minds and all that :wink: . I'm totally excited either way on this. I'd love to have it rolled into pipedia, especially if you don't already have a ton of work invested in the back end. If you were into it, I'd love for you to head the effort for the pipe making part of pipedia (that is those sections that focused on techniques and procedures). I'd make you an admin or whatever (have to figure out how that works firts :? . On the other hand, if you want to keep it separate, that's totally cool too, in which case and I'd just link to it. Either way, I'll be into contributing and enjoying the fruits! (PM Sent too)

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:07 pm
by sethile
Thanks in large part to Frank's help, is coming right along and we are now ready to start publicizing it to the pipe smoking community at large. If you haven't yet, please consider checking it out. If you see yourself listed as a pipe maker, check out the article we have on you. Feel free to edit it, or send us the information you would like in your article.

If you don't see yourself listed, and you would like to be, please add yourself in the appropriate area by clicking edit, then add [[Your Name]] there (with the double brackets which create the link, and then click on save. Then to create the article just click on your name and type away which will take you to a new blank article with your name as the title. Alternatively you can send either Frank or me your information and we'll do it for you.

Lastly, we have started the Pipe making section of Pipedia, and started compiling information there from the forum, Tyler's site, and several other sources. For now, the Pipe Making sub-section of Pipedia will serve as the wiki home of the pipe makers forum. Here is the direct link:

It is also linked to from the navigation bar on the left from each of the other Pipedia articles. Kurt has also added a link to it from the top navigation of the forum at the root URL.

Please jump in and contribute as you have the time and interest, or perhaps you will find the information you're looking for more easily there. The wiki will not compete with the forum here. It's just a way to compile and organize the great information so it's a little more accessible. The wiki mark up language is not tough at all, and there is an excellent resource available here on how to edit the articles, or create new ones. Here is the link:

Please dive in! We could really use your help, and I think it has the potential to be a great community developed resource that will help all of us in the long run.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:15 pm
by Frank
Just to add a word to Scott's.

Many's the time I've wandered the internet for hours searching for a specific item related to pipemaking.
A major advantage of the Pipedia (amongst many others) is that we hope to have the most comprehensive list of pipemaking materials suppliers (worldwide) for Pipemakers of all calibre, from Novice to Professional.
If you know of a supplier not yet listed, add him/her to the list or shoot a message to Scott or myself with the info & we'll add it.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:00 pm
by kbadkar
Great site, guys! It's fantastic to have a nexus for the pipe world. My pipe stuff favorite links folder is beyond unmanagable, but now there is a well ordered index to find what you're looking for or just to browse when you have time to kill. Thanks for all the work and service to the pipe community!

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:37 pm
by Nick
Kick Ass Scott! You've done a great job! I added Ken Lamb to the tooling section. What a neat feeling to add something like that. Thanks!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:15 pm
by Frank
Just a reminder to you pipemakers: If you aren't listed on Pipedia, please enter your name on the Main Page under the appropriate country and edit your profile page. If you need an idea of what is required, click on any of the names in blue & you'll see a page that has already been edited.

If your name is already there, but is red instead of blue, your pipemaker bio details are still required.

If you can't figure out how to do it, or don't have the time, then please just send Scott or myself a message giving us permission to use details from your website, if you have one.

If you don't have a website, send us a short bio of your pipemaking life, preferably with a few images of your pipes you'd like included. One of us will then list you on Pipedia.

Remember, this site is to your benefit as much as anyone elses. The more your name is out there in cyberspace, the more hits it will get from web searches. Regard it as free advertising of your name & pipes.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:24 am
by baweaverpipes
Beautiful job with the site. Tonight I'm going to spend an hour or two reading and enjoying your hard work, which is greatly appreciated.
I can't tell you enough what a fine job you've done. SUPER :!:
BTW-It was great being able to chat with you last month!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:04 am
by sethile
baweaverpipes wrote:Scott,
Beautiful job with the site. Tonight I'm going to spend an hour or two reading and enjoying your hard work, which is greatly appreciated.
I can't tell you enough what a fine job you've done. SUPER :!:
BTW-It was great being able to chat with you last month!
Thanks Bruce! BTW, I just updated an article on you! Check it out... Feel free to edit it yourself if you want, or let me know if you'd like me to change anything. Yes, been great getting to know you a bit, and hope to maybe get a chance to visit in Columbus!

Hey folks, Pipedia is getting a good bit of traffic. If you haven't yet, make sure and check out to see if your listed in the relevant section. If not, feel free to add yourself. If you are, check out the article and make sure it is something you feel good about. It's all a work in progress, of course.

In Pipes, Scott

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:32 pm
by bvartist
I left college 20+ years ago knowing how to program computers using COBOL, FORTRAN, PLI, PLII, etc.......all gone now! Taught myself enough HTML to be a serious threat to the existence of any web page I need to create or edit...

Now you're telling me I need to learn Wiki Markup????? Geez, can't you computer guys stick with ONE thing all the time???? :wink:

Anyway, I did the best I could!

I like the site, Scott. It should become the site for pipe information.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:44 pm
by Frank
bvartist wrote:I left college 20+ years ago knowing how to program computers using COBOL, FORTRAN, PLI, PLII, etc.......all gone now!
LOL. You & me both, mate! I still spend way too many hours on the PC, yet I still hate computers.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:52 pm
by sethile
bvartist wrote:I left college 20+ years ago knowing how to program computers using COBOL, FORTRAN, PLI, PLII, etc.......all gone now! Taught myself enough HTML to be a serious threat to the existence of any web page I need to create or edit...

Now you're telling me I need to learn Wiki Markup????? Geez, can't you computer guys stick with ONE thing all the time???? :wink:

Anyway, I did the best I could!
Looks great, David, thanks!

Yes, I know what you mean.... It's hard to keep up with all the computer changes. I found the wiki mark up pretty easy, at least compared to HTML :shock: Well, regardless, it's become a way of life. All the younger folks I know that are at all interested in finding information on something use Wikipedia, and due to the political climate, that's a mixed bag at best when it comes to pipes. So what, we do our own wiki! Younger folks spend a huge part of their lives on-line, so I figure if we want to reach them with what's important to us, we need to use the same tools and hang out where they do 8)

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:01 pm
by bvartist
Yeah, looks like Wiki Markup isn't too difficult. I've even managed to add a couple links to the site as well.

Just a thought, might be an idea to create a banner for people to use on their web pages to link to the pipedia site. Something that will easily be recognized.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:22 am
by hazmat
Good job guys.. you've been "officially" noted and posted at the Knox Cigar Forums. Looks like they're loving it:

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:17 am
by TreverT
I just posted a blog entry linking to your site. I've had this idea for an article brewing in my head for a while, ever since reading Wikinomics and thinking about how the same "open source" model of info-exchange had affected the world of pipes, and it made for a perfect lead-up to finishing with a paragraph introducing Pipedia. :idea: ... -open.html

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:52 pm
by Frank
Very interesting and valid observations in your blog, Trever.

It has always baffled me how some people want to guard some tiny piece of knowledge they have, even to the point of taking it to the grave with them. It almost seems as if they're afraid of losing some part of themselves if they give away some information.

Since I have little to offer in actual pipemaking knowledge, I have tried to return the abundance I have learned from this forum, by assisting Scott with the Pipedia. If we can maintain the encyclopedic approach and mainly have facts rather than opinions, it could become a great reference for all things pipe related. Time will tell.

It still bears repeating, the Pipedia is dependant on all interested parties contributing what they can, if and when they have the time. It urgently needs bi/multi-lingual people to translate non-English pipe related articles, elsewhere on the internet, into English.

Many sincere thanks to Trever, Tyler, Kurt and othes for allowing the use of their knowledge on the Pipedia.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:24 pm
by TreverT
Frank wrote: Since I have little to offer in actual pipemaking knowledge, I have tried to return the abundance I have learned from this forum, by assisting Scott with the Pipedia. If we can maintain the encyclopedic approach and mainly have facts rather than opinions, i
........ I predict this goal will run into trouble the first time you set up pages on the topics of bowl coatings, lacquers, shellac, and airhole sizes. :twisted:

Regarding "open sourcing", as with all things, there are times it works better and times it doesn't (The Wikinomics book conveniently doesn't mention all the various open source projects that have collapsed, fragmented, or been abandoned due to lack of funds, talent, organization, etc).

It's probably written too informally to be useful, but you guys are welcome to use anything from my site or blog that might be useful for the wiki. This includes random shots like the pics of the staining samples and such, too, should you have need of sample photos.