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Scofield "Rotten Apple"

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 1:45 pm
by bscofield
Scofield "Rotten Apple"

I made this one and decided to give it to my brother for his birthday. What do you all think of the pipe? Particularly do you think the rustication/smooth combo was done tastefully?

below is the right side
This is the left side
This is the top
Front side
The whole pipe

What do you think??

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 2:03 pm
by Nick
Neat pipe!

To me it seems the shank/bowl tranistion is a little weak, and could use some further definition. As well the heal seems a little swollen, i.e. seems to bulge out below the shank, making the lines a little incongrous.

However, both of those attributes seem to be common themes in your pipes. Perhaps this is the style you're going for?

The rustication/smooth combination works very well. I like the finish.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 2:08 pm
by bscofield
Nick... I don't know if I have "a style" yet :D

I'm not sure I can see what your talking about... what picture illustrates this best? Actually here are two more that you might be able to point it out to me on:

below is the right side
This is the left side

Can you see it any either of these?


Which of my other pipes have you seen it in?

Sorry for all the follow-up questions! I'd like to know what my style is too : :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 2:29 pm
by bscofield
Rob, now that I look at it I see I did 2 different things on each side... hmm. look at pic #1 up above and then pic #2, one line is smooth across the shank the other has notches that make up the line, oops. I guess I should think that it looking machine stamped is a compliment, even though it gives it less of a "hand made" look. I say that because I was thinking to myself while I was doing it that I didn't want it to have scraggly lines every where at the transition point but wanted it more smooth. So on the one side, I succeeded. On the other, it can/does make it seem less "hand-made", huh?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 4:00 pm
by ArtGuy
Just a couple negatives and a couple positives:

The stem and shank area need more definition. Instead of leaving the shank flared as it heads towards the bowl, it would look better if it was straighter and left a nice belly on the sides of the bowl.

Also, the crease on the top of the shank looks more like an overcut with the bandsaw than anything else. A smoother transition there or extending that crease to the sides of the bowl would IMO be a better answer. extending that crease all the way might give it a folded leather look even.

The rustication and finishing is spot on. Your staining has gotten way better. That grain and color is really nice too. Your photos are clean and crisp as well.

Good Job

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 9:33 pm
by marks
I think your brother will be very pleased.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 10:33 pm
by bscofield
Random-- DOH! I hadn't realized that I did this until now. I don't know what I was thinking "Rotten Apple" it's not an apple shape...!! oops. I must have been thinking of something else when I was writing the post. Somone on CPS told me that it looked just like one of your pipes, only swap the rusticated and smooth areas.

When you see the bottom/sides and the top of the shank/stummel transition do you think that the transition doesn't work or looks ackward?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:09 am
by Nick
To me it seems the shank/bowl tranistion is a little weak, and could use some further definition
What I mean here is that if you took off a bit more wood from the bowl at the shank bowl junction, you could create a sharper shape. Perhaps this is just my taste coming through, as I do tend to favor pipes with a very distinctive transition.
As well the heal seems a little swollen, i.e. seems to bulge out below the shank, making the lines a little incongrous.
With this comment, I was highlighting the way in which the bowl continues to slope downward on the bottom. Take a look at an old GBD apple (GBD rules when it comes to classic shapes) Even in a bent apple, the bowl stays pretty much in line with the stem.

Again, perhaps this is just my taste coming through.

Overall, I think you have an awesome pipe. I love the black and tan finish. And it definatly looks like an apple shape to me. Rotten apple is cute btw. Go with it.