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Something is in the air - and it stinks

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 10:07 am
by ckr
This is something that should be on the minds of all forum members and lurkers. A pipe makers income is derived from the sale of pipes and indirectly from the ability of pipe smokers to acquire quality tobacco. The fact of the matter is that the most widely used vehicle of acquiring our beloved leaf is subject to the often insane policies of the US political machine. :(

Let’s face it, in the past forty years the number of smokers has been drastically reduced and the anti-smoking consensus has grown. Pipe tobacco sales has dropped from 52 million pounds in 1970 to a scant 7.5 million by the mid 90’s. The American Cancer Society is now targeting pipe and cigar smokers for higher mortality rates the same as they did to cigarette smokers. :cry: The cards are stacked against us.

However, before I stray to far from the immediate problem – Internet tobacco sales. Our ability to obtain our stash is being threatened by the anti-smoking politicians. Under the pretense of the “tobacco sales to minors” campaign the proposed “shotgun” solution is going to be to ban all internet tobacco sales and prohibit the shipping of tobacco products by mail. :cry: :cry: Combine this smoke screen of concern with the real reason, tax revenue, and it would appear that in a short time we will go the way of the dinosaur.

More and more states are banning smoking and it is very few that protect the right of PRIVATE businesses to make their own decision in regard to their own business policy.

I don’t know which of or if any of the smoker rights organizations are politically active and specifically working to preserve pipe tobacco sales. If anyone knows of an organization that is not wallowing in the mud of the anti-smoker issues and is working effectively, I'd like to know.

Well, time to give up the soap box. Hope KH does not censor this as “This forum is not to be used for political discussions”

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:33 am
by Bizzozero
To give a bit of trans-atlantic perspective I might add that we've had a long row of tobacco tax raises in Sweden during the last two years or so. A packet of ciggarets have gone up from about 48 kroner to 50 kroner. In the same period a 50 gram tin of Petersen pipe tobacco has increased from 95 kroner to 175 kroner.

I can't be bothered to find the excange course and give the figures in dollars, but the proporstions should be striking never the less.

Whats makes this so interesting is the motivation of the tax raise... to "decrease smoking amongst young people". I'm a 23 years old pipe smoker, but I'm definately the odd one out. I've only ever met one other pipe smoker who wasn't at least into his 50's or even older. So clearly someone is missing the point... I just wonder if it is me or them.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:57 am
by tritrek
Yes, I know the states are facing this issue since the 90's... the problem is you're a free country meaning that even those opposing smoking are free to ban tobacco sales and raise taxes. This is awful.
I say: OK, let's ban underage smoking and give high penalties for those smokers under the age of 18 (or 21). Let's ban smoking in restaurants - that's disgusting anyways. BUT why are they playing the blind and pretend cigarettes and cigars and pipes are the same? Even the price is different!
The pubs, well, I think it should be the righ tof the owner to decide whether he will go with the smokers or make a non-smoker pub/bar. He would have enough customers anyways...
And, don't forget the govts are harvesting an AWFUL amount of money for tobacco...
Regarding the internet sales it's ridiculous... maybe the new prez would change something ;)

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:19 am
by KurtHuhn
Yeah, this is a bit disturbing. The U.S. has become a nanny state where the term "kids" can mean anyone up to the age of 25. Think I'm kidding? Take a closer look at the statistics generated to help pass firearms control legislation - legislation that is now being shown to be ineffective. No matter what your personal feelings on firearms, the use of skewed statistics to support dubious evidence is still dishonest, and far from a new idea. It just seems like we're the latest target of the meddling control freaks that want their fingers in every aspect of your daily life.

Legal and lawful tobacco use is under attack. How do we change this? Vote. Vote with your wallet and with your actions. If you know a business that is anti tobacco use, don't patronize them, and tell them why.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:54 pm
by Frank
The reason they get to heap taxes on the tobacco market is because the politicians won't resist it. They're afraid to be seen as supporting a so-called "unhealthful"(?) product like tobacco, even those who do smoke. Arnie, for one, loves sucking on a fat stogie.

Since my teens I've pretty much been an anti-establishment rebel (without a clue), so anything that says FU to the establishment often gets my attention. I just love the TV series "Mad Men". In an honest attempt to reflect the life of the times they have many of the cast lighting up a cig in most scenes (the bearded guy occasionally lights up a pipe). It must be driving the anti-tobacco SOB's crazy.

Another interesting tobacco fact, during WWII the allies were issued cigarettes as part of their ration, and boy did they appreciate it.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:14 pm
by Smitty
For the last couple years Lew Rothman of JR has asked for customers to have proof of age verification believing just this type of legislation was coming down the pike. I had to send a photocopy of my drivers license to General Tobacco to participate in an offer they had. They have to protect themselves from potential lawsuits I guess.