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Deer Antler/pipe bowl

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:07 am
by KristorRaven
Some ancient cultures that lived close to the land were known to have crafted pipes from deer antlers and also stone.I would like to make some for my own personal use, and am open to any and all sugestions.
The smell when sanding is not pleasent,(have used it a lot for black powder measures and knife handels) but nicer than roten eggs and skunks..Am positive the smell when fabricating wont be a problem, but Nick brings up a very good point and that is the taste.Hadn't given that aspect a thought.Now i'm wondering about lineing the bowl...hummmm.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:51 pm
by Nick
Yuck! I've heard even cutting anter is a stinky business. I can't imagine buring somthing in it would be anthing but gawd aweful! Perhaps as an adornment to a stone bowl..but as the bowl itself? Perhaps you're better informed on the subject than I am. Not too sure.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:30 am
by PapaDuke
I work with Antler all the time and it does have a strong odor when drilling and cutting that's for sure.

As far as smoking out of one I'm just not sure about that!
Which is why I've yet to make one myself but have tossed the idea around myself. Yet, I see that it's done all the time.

Maybe a nice Meerschaum Inlay Bowl? They have them at ttp:// for about $18.00 each.

Let us know how it turns out!

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:55 am
by Gregg1160h
A Source I found for North American Native pipe materials. Soapstone and Catlinite. Apparently they are only from one area of Minnesota and you have to be a native american to mine the stone. I guess it could be purchased from a miner directly but I have no idea how. Funny the wholesaler is in Mass!! :?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:31 pm
by toadlyunique
Happy to report that I,TOAD, have been enjoying an average of two bowls of assorted pipe tobacco, per day, for six months now, as part of on going research and developement program here at Toad Hall, i'm happy to say that there have been no unusual tastes or effects noted so far.
When the full test period of one year is complete, i hope to have a few marketable pipes available to those who are intrested in a pipe that is

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:49 am
by Frank
@ toadlyunique
What are your pipe bowls made from? Are you referring to deer antler or other material(s)?

@ KristorRaven
If meerschaum is too expensive for your project, you could try lining the bowl with some type of plaster, like plaster of paris. I believe that was used in some cases to line the calabash gourd pipes instead of meerschaum.