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Hello Folks.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:10 am
by rathpipe
I have been reading the different posts on this site and have really learned from them and enjoyed them, so I signed up. I am living in Roanoke, Indiana and have been playing with making pipes ever since I inherited my father's Atlas Craftsman lathe about a year and a half ago. Even though I have a lot to learn, there is nothing better than smoking my pipe that I made from a piece of briar or mesquite. I have been a pipe smoker for many years and plan on continuing.
Hello to all,

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:51 am
by achduliebe
Welcome Larry,

Glad to have you here. I am sure you will find a wealth of knowledge here for a long time to come. You have found a great place for talking about pipe making and pipes in general. Great bunch of guys here, that are more than willing to help.

Once again, welcome!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:52 pm
by Tyler
Welcome Larry! If you have any questions, don't be afraid to pipe up. :wink:
