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Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 5:24 pm
by seraf
Real name: Hello I'm Serafim Dos Santos!

Age: 47 / Capricorn

Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Portuguese origin)

Years a pipe smoker: 16 years of pipe smoking, on and off, more and more regularly (I’m an old cigarette smoker).

How you got into pipe making: 8 years ago (2014) I went deep into pipe tobacco and tobacco pipes--I informed myself as much as I could about this renewed passion. I didn't smoke and think about tobacco pipe stuff during the COVID era till 2-3 months ago. As I got access to some interesting OTC pipe tobacco nearby and being better equipped lately to jump into pipe making, I decided to try making one. And lo' and behold, I made myself a tobacco pipe! I'm so proud of my first tobacco pipe that I got a second pipe kit and I'm about to finish it this week.

Other interesting facts: I'm an ex-web developer/IT Consultant. I'm invalidated by a chronic disease, I consider myself retired. I speak French and Portuguese also, and I can understand Spanish. I translated 2 books in French on the Blockchain subject. I love extreme metal music (you call that noise, music? :lol: ) and arts in general. On and off bookworm, I love pasta and sushies!

Re: seraf

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:54 pm
by DocAitch
Welcome to the forum.
You have picked a good way to start, most of us have started with kits.
Enjoy the process