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broken shank

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 11:48 pm
by Bobm5586
I made a boo boo on the lathe and snapped the shank. I hate to see a chunk of briar go to waste, even if its full of pits and flaws.
I decided to try a bamboo extension. I'm happy with how everything fits together, even if it's misperportioned.
Please criticise.

Re: broken shank

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:08 am
by sandahlpipe
The skills required to gracefully recover from flaws and mistakes come after you’ve learned how to not make the mistakes in the first place. Until then, the repair/recovery jobs look like band-aids. This is no exception. Sure, it will smoke fine. Technically, the repair job is fine, there’s a tight joint there. But there’s a disjunction between the bamboo and the otherwise round and inorganic-looking shank and stem and the bamboo.

As repair/recovery work goes, I’ve seen worse, but it’s not great. My advice is to put the Stummel aside when you screw up or find a flaw that forces a change from the original design, and come back to it in a few years when you’re skilled enough to rework it. Unless you’re just doing it for fun pipes to smoke yourself, in which case, enjoy!

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