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Tip or Not?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:52 pm
by BriarBlues
Good Day All

It has been a very long time since I've visited this arena. Not being a carver, being the reason.

Anyway, I've just uploaded a video on the Briar Blues You Tube Channel, that may be of interest to you, the talented people that create these pipes we love. The topic is whether a client should tip a carver for a custom made pipe. ... riar+blues

It might be great for the subscribers to get a carvers thoughts on this topic.

Thanks for allowing me into your yard to post this.

Michael J. Glukler

Re: Tip or Not?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 2:45 pm
by sandahlpipe
I've had a couple of customers show their appreciation by both tips and tins of tobacco. I don't expect a tip. Receiving a tip does three things. First, it does help, because I try not to charge more than I need to. Second, it makes me feel good to know that the customer values my work maybe even more than I do. Finally, I'm acutely aware when I make the pipe for the tipping customer, that I'm making something that will be appreciated and it helps me be motivated to do my absolute best and put just a little extra into it. I think it's that way even at a bar or restaurant, the person who tips well gets the best treatment.

Still, I don't think anyone should feel obligated to tip, especially if the pipe doesn't meet their expectations.

Re: Tip or Not?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 4:24 pm
by PeskyPrussian
I'm sure no pipe carver would object to it, but the general concept of tipping a maker for a custom pipe seems pretty odd to me.

The whole point of "tipping" in the context of commerce is to compensate someone for their service in instances when the person's service is NOT the primary thing you're purchasing. In those cases you're paying the company for a product and then also paying the employee separately.

If you ask someone to make you a pipe, the cost that they quote you is already the valuation they're placing on the service that they're going to perform for you. If, through the pipe making process, you feel that the maker has gone above and beyond to accommodate you as a customer and you feel moved by it then by all means give them some extra. However, I see that more like being a generous patron to an artist and wouldn't ever be expected.

Re: Tip or Not?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:35 pm
by Ocelot55
I certainly wouldn't discourage a tip, but I'd rather you buy another pipe. I would never expect a tip from my customers.

What I would really like people to consider more is becoming a "patron" of a certain carver. I've got two or three customers who really save my bacon by basically saying, "We love your work and we want to support you. Here's my commission for 14 pipes," or "If you have trouble selling something, just send me the invoice. I'll take it off your hands." This is a rough industry to make a living at. We need more customers who see their purchases more like a patron of any other art would. Just my two cents....

Re: Tip or Not?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:42 pm
by BriarBlues
Thanks for your replies. I'd really love to see your comments under the video though. Let potential customers hear it from the carvers. I doubt that many really have a feeling for how tough it is to eek out an income carving pipes.

Michael J. Glukler