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"Gonzo's Junk" Silliness w/ spare manzanita

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:45 pm
by Michael7S
Presenting "Gonzo's Junk". This is what happens when combining silliness and flaw-chasing to an extreme. I refused to toss this piece of hard-won manzanita, and this is the awkward result.

Go ahead and chuckle. It's meant for just that. Got a better name for it? Do tell.

Funny thing is that it smokes pretty well. The toilet-wide bowl burns rich at first, but can leave 25% or so unburned in the bottom when done.

Re: "Gonzo's Junk" Silliness w/ spare manzanita

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 5:26 pm
by DocAitch
Challenging drilling of the fraught hole. It’s a pretty wood with, as far as I can see, some similar figure to briar
I have a similar pipe which also resembles a toilet and have dubbed it “Sir Thomas” (after that crapper guy).