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sam a

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:12 pm
by sam a
Real name: Sam Adebayo

Age: 31

Location: Nashville, TN

Years a pipe smoker: on and off 15ish years but got seriously into it about 6 years ago.

How you got into pipe making: my path to pipe making seems to be a pretty common one. I smoked pipes, which led to buying pipes. I preferred old British pipes so that kinda led me to starting to restoring and refurbing. Which led to me thinking "I've got a bunch a files and sandpaper and such... Maybe a pipe kit could be fun". It was fun, so I got some briar and semi proper tools and quickly became obsessed with my new hobby. Then I went to the Chicago show and met a group of warm encouraging pipe makers whose work I had admired, and that occasion sorta pushed me over the edge from being an enthusiastic hobbyist to wanting to persue being a "serious" pipemaker. And it continues to snowball.

Other interesting facts: I like high fives, ice cream, blue jeans, my wife, sunshine, poker, my parents, some music, falafels, boots, my brothers, and friends.

Re: sam a

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 4:08 am
by kamkiel
Your interests would make for a nice after school family channel sitcom

Re: sam a

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 8:09 am
by sandahlpipe
It was nice to meet you at the show!