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Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:30 am
by wdteipen
A discussion on proper wood turning tools and skills in another thread brought up a topic I thought would be interesting to explore. I know we have some master wood turners on here and also some who have never turned prior to making pipes. The question is: Is a pipemaker a wood turner? Is it necessary to learn the skills of a wood turner to make pipes? Would being a wood turner help or hinder the process of making pipes and in what ways?

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:25 am
by scotties22
Interesting question. I think I am a wood turner, but only classify myself as such because I actually do other turnings.

What say you, Bill??

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:42 am
by sandahlpipe
Does it count if I've turned pens on my wood lathe? But I learned how to turn making pipes and the pens are comparatively easy.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:47 am
by andrew
Maybe in a very narrow sense, but I would never claim that title. I'd like to hear what the turners, have to say too.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:13 pm
by Tyler
It is not necessary to learn the skills of a wood turner to make pipes. I turn about 1 in 30 pipes, and turning the one is only because it's easiest for that shape, not necessary.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:36 pm
by caskwith
I am a very poor wood turner, I find it easier to etch a sketch on my lathe than use a chisel.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:21 pm
by Alden
In many peoples minds, woodworking can be broke down into turning and flat work. Making pipes definitely falls in the turning category.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:22 pm
by PremalChheda
A Pipe Maker is a "Pipe Maker"

Wood turning can be a part of pipe making if the Pipe Maker so chooses to turn the bowl.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:32 pm
by mightysmurf8201
I wouldn't call myself a wood turner for the same reasons I wouldn't call myself a pipe maker, yet. I think a certain level of practice and proficiency is assumed in those titles. I make and sell the occasional pen or shaving brush upon request, or a handle for a turning tool or some other necessary item. But personally, I don't think the frequency and proficiency at which I practice is enough to put me in that category.
I personally bought my wood lathe with the sole intent to make pipes. I quickly realized that I needed some proficiency so I began making small simple turnings like pens and shaving brushes that fortunately began to sell and make me money, as well as being good practice. When I put the brakes on the small turning projects to get back to turning stummels, the things I had learned turning wood and acrylic were very helpful in making pipes.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:33 pm
by jogilli
I do both, but since Chris converted me.... The etch a sketch method is preferred... When I do a majority of my work on a lather... Otherwise, I just a fella who just happens to be happy he still has all his fingers and none have been offered to the sanding disk beast

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:35 pm
by Oakbear
I didn't see this topic until i replied to Wayne's comments on the other thread.

My thoughts are that turning is a set of skills which can be used for pipe making. Pipe making is making a pipe, however done.

I think being a woodturner first (not a master like some here for sure!) has given me a lot of useful skills in becoming a novice pipe maker, which has given me a head start. If i only wanted to make pipes would it have been quicker to not spend years turning and just learn pipe making straight away? Of course! I think the 2 can complement each other though.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:37 pm
by d.huber
Only thing I've ever turned was a crappy table leg in shop in college. Didn't see another lathe for ten years until one appeared in my apartment.

I guess there are those of us who turn tenons but I don't know if that methodology translates to wood turning.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:52 pm
by NathanA
I'm pretty sure we are all artists.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:45 am
by wdteipen
NathanA wrote:I'm pretty sure we are all artists.
You mean craftsmen? :lol: Let's not start that again.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:11 am
by jogilli
d.huber wrote:I guess there are those of us who turn tenons but I don't know if that methodology translates to wood turning.
now that's silly david.. when's the last time you saw a wood tenon... duuuhhh... leave it to some creative artsy fartsy fella to make that a "methodology" connection.... its all connected, we're all connected, we're all one with mother nature.. loose the deodorant and start wearing tie dye clothes... geeezzzz


Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:53 pm
by pipedreamer
I had to learn a lot of things to make pipes, wood turning was one of them, just like a thousand other things. I'm a Pipe Carver or maker as Premal stated, not a wood turner as such. However I like turning wood! Labels can be very confusing. I turn wood now to make a lot of things, most given as presents. I have two other lathes. Does that make me a Machinist? No! Because most of what I do involves making pipes and pipe stuff.However I'm a student of all and study on metal and wood lathe techniques many hours a week! Now I find The lathes are just tools to an end.
As Tyler stated, often a lathe isn't used to make the pipe, it depends on the shape. It is how it was in the beginning for me . I learn what I have to learn to make pipes and along the way got a hobby of wood turning. Most of us will never be a Bill, But it would be a good idea to learn to use the tools properly!

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:23 pm
by d.huber
NathanA wrote:I'm pretty sure we are all artists.
I think my world just fell apart.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:07 am
by NathanA
d.huber wrote:
NathanA wrote:I'm pretty sure we are all artists.
I think my world just fell apart.
Well, I'm right here ready to give you a big hug!! :D

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:06 pm
by Sasquatch
I was turning wood long before I made pipes. I'm a reasonably skilled turner. I have made chess sets, bowls, candlesticks, all the usual sort of bullshit grade 9 projects. I haven't done any off-center stuff or if I have I don't remember it.

On one hand, I figured this (and other parts of my woodworking and carving acumen) would give me a huge head-start in making pipes. It super didn't.

It did allow me to build jigs and do stuff on the lathe (cut stems on a wood lathe with relative ease) that other guys might have found kind of daunting. Bulldog rings, inlays, turny stuff.

Being the best turner in the world doesn't help you make nice looking pipes though. That is a different skill set entirely.

Re: Are Pipemakers Wood Turners?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 7:26 am
by LittleBill
I guess I need to check in here a little more often. :oops: I have been turning professionally for over 20 years now, and some people think I am pretty good at it. I am, on a good day anyway. I thought I would be able to start right in making some nice pipes, and while my woodturning skills helped jumpstart a couple of things, I discovered a whole new skill set that I didn't have. :cry: I turn as much as I can on a pipe, and I use a wood lathe for some of my stems, but I don't really think that pipe making is woodturning anymore than a lot of other artists who use a wood lathe to get things started are turners either. Many of them claim the moniker, but that that don't make it so.

So far, even the traditional shapes I have made have little to do with the lathe beyond drilling and some minor shaping. As for the freehand stuff, drilling is about it. I do plan to turn some ashtrays though. :P