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Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:40 pm
by KurtHuhn
random wrote:Any commercial website (he is trying to sell pipes, right?) that cannot be viewed with a browser of minimum capability set to the maximum security level is broken and should be fixed, period.
With over a decade of sysadmining and security consulting, I agree.

However, I think a better solution is to put down the Windows crack pipe and buy an Apple. :D

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:38 pm
by bscofield
random wrote:
KurtHuhn wrote:However, I think a better solution is to put down the Windows crack pipe and buy an Apple. :D
If I was starting off fresh today, I might do that... probably would. But I probably have $10k+ worth of windoze software that has been licensed over the past two decades, and there's no way I could buy replacements to run on a Mac.

However I do intend (one of these days, lol) to move to Linux just as soon as I have enough code ported. It's one of those "Real Soon Now" projects that's been put off for years already. :roll:
I was gonna get on your for even slightly agreeing to go down the mac path but then you mentioned king linux... so your OK. Kurt however, you have my condolenses... I hate macs. And it's NOT cause I love mickeysoft either... can't stand either. Mickeysoft for obvious reasons and mac not cause they're Mac (which is "fine") but because people don't make enough stuff for them (games for example, which I enjoy). Now for useful type stuff maybe osX but I heard even that the "unix" in that was more of a marketing gimic and that it was way locked down and not really worth buying if you were hoping to get much done w/ the unix OS "underneath."

A lot of that is hearsay but I still don't like Macs :P

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:30 am
by jeff
random wrote:I love you too, Jeff... well you know, in a manly-man sort of way. I just wish you'd get my point. A store shouldn't require the customer to have all the latest and least secure gizmos hooked up in order to visit, because guys who have been bitten will simply go elsewhere. If your store can't be viewed by any customer with minimal browser support set to the maximum security level, it's broken and should be fixed.
If you're concerned about secure financial transactions, the site does not function as a store in this capacity. It is merely a gallery. If you want a pipe, you can email me. That's how I conduct my business. If you are concerned about someone usurping control of your computer, well, bummer. Sorry, but the site's not changing for the extreme minority of people who have security concerns such as the ones that you expressed. Besides, Flash and Dreamweaver are all that my designer works with. :boohoo:

KurtHuhn wrote:With over a decade of sysadmining and security consulting, I agree.

However, I think a better solution is to put down the Windows crack pipe and buy an Apple. Very Happy
FWIW, the site was designed and is run from a new Mac G5. Nothing is run locally from my computer. And my designer is behind a very good firewall. But, hey, I'm no expert, nor do I pretend to be, so I bow out of this.


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:05 am
by Brendhain
The vast majority of your market has no problems viewing your site.

There will always be those out in the market whom are too difficult, too costly or too time consuming to service. If you focus on these small minority then you will displease the vast majority. There will always be those, no matter what you are selling, who live out in the country side or up in the mountains and are out of the "societal loop". These same people would have a very hard time getting a Big Mac ( or any other iconical product of our modern Western society), let alone a J. Alan Pipe. Despite loosing out on this little market, McDonalds seems to be able to sell an aweful lot of burgers.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:36 am
by jeff
Brendhain wrote:These same people would have a very hard time getting a Big Mac ( or any other iconical product of our modern Western society), let alone a J. Alan Pipe. Despite loosing out on this little market, McDonalds seems to be able to sell an aweful lot of burgers.
Hmm. :think: Given the fact that I am repulsed by McD's, I may have to heed Random's warning! Well, maybe not. Although, I find the comparison of my pipes to Big Macs curious, indeed. :wink:


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:05 am
by jthpipes
I believe I have seen some sites that offer a non flash or non activex sort of plain jane access to their site. maybe that would be an avenue to check out. Then people can make up their own mind as to which way they want to view it. Oh and the pipes you have been producing are exceptional looking, keep up the great work!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:05 am
by sagiter
Mostly in a sort of danish disk-sander kind of way,
Here again, I'm not even going to pretend to understand what that means.


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:10 am
by ArtGuy
random wrote:
ArtGuy wrote:Why be so ugly Random? The guy just has a site with some nice pipes on it? :think:
I'm not being ugly about it John, his website can't be viewed without opening security holes that are generally unsafe across the internet. As you may or may not know, ActiveX controls run native code on your machine. Microsoft itself has had cases of employees planting things in their software that can be accessed through a hidden series of control keys, in one case a flight simulator. I have worked in the industry for many years, I know the kind of shit that goes on there that the company never knows about until the employee is long gone. So, I as an individual do not enable ActiveX controls in any of my browsers.

Some browsers support all the latest stuff, others may be backlevel, still others may support only some of it. In almost all cases the user has some control over security level via browser configuration.

Any commercial website (he is trying to sell pipes, right?) that cannot be viewed with a browser of minimum capability set to the maximum security level is broken and should be fixed, period.
LOL "Your website still sucks though, and I'm tired of trying to look." Is NOT being ugly?

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:47 am
by jeff
random wrote:Mostly in a sort of danish disk-sander kind of way, but very pretty and obviously very very well done.
That's funny, I don't use a disk sander at all. I usually just rub the blocks on the sidewalk until I've roughed out a shape and then toss them in a rock tumbler for polishing. :wink:


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:30 pm
by Nick

You know, my wife's ass looks really good, in a Danish - or Irish really disk sander sort of way.

Sorry Random, that's just too cool a comment to not find some humor in it.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:31 pm
by Nick
You know, I really hope my wife doesn't read that.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:35 pm
by ArtGuy
Too late, I already emailed it to her :D

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:04 pm
by Nick

Prepare my couch!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:17 pm
by bscofield
Nick wrote:D'OOHH!

Prepare my couch!
Wow you dog house has a couch!? Pretty spiff. Must be a good dog to deserve that!


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:19 pm
by bscofield
jeff wrote:
random wrote:Mostly in a sort of danish disk-sander kind of way, but very pretty and obviously very very well done.
That's funny, I don't use a disk sander at all. I usually just rub the blocks on the sidewalk until I've roughed out a shape and then toss them in a rock tumbler for polishing. :wink:

Hmm... I wonder if anyone would bite at that gimick:

"Be the first to own a pipe that was ruffed in on the pavement at 60 MPH while hanging out the window! Also, in the same pipe, own the first pipe that was fine sanded by a guy with no fingers!"

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 12:35 am
by KurtHuhn
bscofield wrote:I was gonna get on your for even slightly agreeing to go down the mac path but then you mentioned king linux... so your OK. Kurt however, you have my condolenses... I hate macs. And it's NOT cause I love mickeysoft either... can't stand either. Mickeysoft for obvious reasons and mac not cause they're Mac (which is "fine") but because people don't make enough stuff for them (games for example, which I enjoy). Now for useful type stuff maybe osX but I heard even that the "unix" in that was more of a marketing gimic and that it was way locked down and not really worth buying if you were hoping to get much done w/ the unix OS "underneath."
There's the beauty of OS X - it's NeXT and BSD - no Unix in there anywhere. :)

This could quickly degrade into a holy war, so I'll leave it at that. :angel:

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 12:39 am
by KurtHuhn
jeff wrote:FWIW, the site was designed and is run from a new Mac G5. Nothing is run locally from my computer. And my designer is behind a very good firewall. But, hey, I'm no expert, nor do I pretend to be, so I bow out of this.
I was poking fun. It works great on *my* G5. :)

And the Sawtooth, and the Mac Mini, and the iBook, and the 8500, and.....
