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Re: Bowl Coatings: the Debate Rages On

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:38 pm
by Bryan Johnson
Ah-hah! From what I've been reading, it comes down to this: Do some of your buyers have the knowledge, patience and taste (in all senses of the word) to break in a pipe properly? Quite frankly (and this is just my native mean coming out) I don't have much patience with folks who can't take the time and respect to break in a pipe properly. After all, if someone took the time to make the danged thing, shouldn't the new owner taken at least a little time to break it in?

Look, I've been using a cane for the past five years. Not a big deal, but that's just the way I have to walk these days. Would I rather not use a cane? You bet. What really, really just pisses me off is when someone tries to "help" me out of a car out off a bus. So, I vote: No coating!

My two cents worth.

Re: Bowl Coatings: the Debate Rages On

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:56 pm
by Bryan Johnson
Re-reading my previous post, I realize why the local Boy Scouts are automatically awarded an oak leaf cluster for doing a "good deed" when they help me across the road.

Dang, am I cranky today. That's all right: Phyllis is 5-foot-1/4 inch of attitude re-adjustment after work. Usually with a shovel.

Best wishes,