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Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:20 am
by AAdomeit
This is a bit late, but nevertheless....

I am surprised that there are so many Americans on the board, and they didn't think of the greatest American author of all time!

Samuel Clements! (usually smoked either a cigar or a corncob)
Mark Twain?

Also, Black Adder (Rowen Atkinson) from season #2 (clay pipe)

Jim Qwilleran (Lillian Jackson Braun's "The Cat Who..." series)

Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli (churchwardens)

I also believe that Thoreau talked about a fellow smoking a pipe in "Walden", but it's been a while since I've read it.

*sigh* Pipes are supposed to encourage intellectualism. *mutters - imagine, forgetting Thoreau, Lord of the Rings AND Mark Twain*

:cry: :wink:

Anyway, for halloween (if anyone is interested in the caperings of a college student!) I was forced into an "Underpants Gnome" costume...I've never watched South Park, and following that evening, I'm not sure I ever want to.

However, I got innumerable compliments on the half bent that supplemented my costume! (my Canadian got lost in my clothes drawer. I have a feeling one of my lady friends nicked it and left it there for me to find. I subsequently discovered that it is a nice smoke, though exceptionally hot.)

To paraphrase Jack Nibble, "A pipe belongs with a good costume, and makes a bad one better!"