Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by the rev »

wdteipen wrote:Haters gonna hate. :lol:

Let's think about this a bit. Who is the largest growing population of pipe smokers right now and the future of pipe smoking? Nate's steampunk and gearpunk style tends to attract that younger crowd. I think it's a risky but smart move by the magazine. Besides that, it's creating controversy which is good for the magazine and the pipemakers involved, IMHO. There are any number of pipemakers out there whose work is worthy of the cover. Because they aren't chosen for the cover isn't a reflection on the quality of their work. When I got my issue I imagined the editors spent a good deal of time deliberating whether to use Joe's work or Nate's work on the cover. I pictured them laying out the two potential covers side by side and toiling over it for a good while. I'm guessing it was a very difficult decision and a whole lot of thought was put into it.

Congrats, Nate. I'm proud of you!

"but rev, isn't smoking a sin?"

well I suppose if one were to smoke to excess it would be a sin

"but what would be smoking to excess?"

Why smoking two pipes at once of course
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by Rodneywt1180b »

Looks to me like Nate's work is far more than a pipe shaped object with broken watch parts glued to it. I'm seeing good solid pipes on his website with a fit and finish I can only hope to achieve some day. As far as I'm concerned his work is cover worthy.
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by wmolaw »

The strange part about this, is almost all of Nate's pipes are NOT "steam punk," that genre is just one of his lines, original, really fascinating, but just one of his lines.

I really don't think anyone could say that Nate is not talented as hell in making any, EVERY type of pipe, just one look at his site, his portfolio shows that.

Did other immensely talented pipemakers catch crap when they came out with a new form of pipe? Not to my recollection, which, of course, is very dusty and inappropriately vague.

After writing the above, I realized I got an update from (on May 30) that Nate had just provided new, fresh pipes. I went to the site to see what they looked like, and lo and behold, EVERY new pipe that had been offered has been sold, in ten days or less.

One cannot argue with success. This entire thread, and issue also brings to mind the old marketing saying, "there is no such thing as bad publicity."
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by JonBood »

I personally was blown away when I first saw the post on the Gear-Punk pipe here at the forum.
I would be surprised if it was not the joined (-1 apparently) opinion of this forum that Nate produces most fine smoking pipes. Indeed that is my point of view, and I congratulate you on making the cover!
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by NeroWolfe »


1 - I posted this thread twice, as I was not sure which category to put it in. I know: naïve ! stupid !

2 - My expression of irritation was based on the view (my view) that the cover photo on the P&T Magazine was selected based on some tangible / intangible assessment of the quality / worthiness of the subject relative to other items in the issue. In reply to my post on this subject on the Pipes and Tobacco Foundations Forum website, Chuck Stanion, Editor-in-Chief of the P&T Magazine, replied as follows:

Quote: "We choose the cover based on the quality of the photo, not on the perceived merit of the pipemaker associated with a story. You'll get no argument from me that Joe Skoda is a great pipemaker. He provided the pipe photos for his story and none were adequate for the cover. At that size/resolution they were pixilated. The gear punk pipe was sufficiently different to be interesting and had the necessary resolution.
Several times over the years I've received angry emails from people who percieve the choice of a particular cover photo as an insult to another person covered in the magazine, and I've never managed to see the logic. The cover does not represent our idea of the most important story in the magazine; it represents our best shot at printing an interesting photo that will encourage people to open the magazine. Even so, I'd be uncomfortable even implying that one pipemaker in the magazine is more important than another. They all deserve full credit.
Chuck”...end quote

So, it came purely down to quality of the photograph / ability of the photograph to engage an audience ! This could lead to a whole new series of responses on the merits of such an approach, as the recognition associated with being represented on the cover of any publications can have significant impact on an individual’s stature in their area, etc., and to leave it up to the quality of a photograph seems quite banal. In any case, I certainly appreciate the “engaged” and “pointed” discussion, chaps !
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by Sasquatch »

So.... let me recap the argument here, for clarity. I seek clarity, and am an appreciator of it.

1. Pipes and Tobacco magazine put an excellent quality photograph of an interesting pipe on the cover.

Now that I see it written out like this, I can see why you're upset Nero.

I'm going to personally see that next season's issue has a fuzzy photograph of a brown oxford shoe.

No... wait, a fuzzy photograph.... of a Sasquatch. Yes... now we're getting somewhere.
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by The Smoking Yeti »

NeroWolfe wrote: So, it came purely down to quality of the photograph / ability of the photograph to engage an audience ! This could lead to a whole new series of responses on the merits of such an approach, as the recognition associated with being represented on the cover of any publications can have significant impact on an individual’s stature in their area, etc., and to leave it up to the quality of a photograph seems quite banal. In any case, I certainly appreciate the “engaged” and “pointed” discussion, chaps !
I see your point for sure- you would argue a decent pipemaker can appear superior to a master if one judges by the cover of a magazine. I completely agree in one sense- being a cover-girl/cover-pipe is something to brag about. However, to suggest that the best-photo-wins approach to magazine covers should be changed... that's a tough sell for the magazine and for me. I think a strong visual presence is very important to any magazine's success. *cough* National Geographic *Cough*


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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by wdteipen »

NeroWolfe wrote:Apologies:

1 - I posted this thread twice, as I was not sure which category to put it in. I know: naïve ! stupid !

2 - My expression of irritation was based on the view (my view) that the cover photo on the P&T Magazine was selected based on some tangible / intangible assessment of the quality / worthiness of the subject relative to other items in the issue. In reply to my post on this subject on the Pipes and Tobacco Foundations Forum website, Chuck Stanion, Editor-in-Chief of the P&T Magazine, replied as follows:

Quote: "We choose the cover based on the quality of the photo, not on the perceived merit of the pipemaker associated with a story. You'll get no argument from me that Joe Skoda is a great pipemaker. He provided the pipe photos for his story and none were adequate for the cover. At that size/resolution they were pixilated. The gear punk pipe was sufficiently different to be interesting and had the necessary resolution.
Several times over the years I've received angry emails from people who percieve the choice of a particular cover photo as an insult to another person covered in the magazine, and I've never managed to see the logic. The cover does not represent our idea of the most important story in the magazine; it represents our best shot at printing an interesting photo that will encourage people to open the magazine. Even so, I'd be uncomfortable even implying that one pipemaker in the magazine is more important than another. They all deserve full credit.
Chuck”...end quote

So, it came purely down to quality of the photograph / ability of the photograph to engage an audience ! This could lead to a whole new series of responses on the merits of such an approach, as the recognition associated with being represented on the cover of any publications can have significant impact on an individual’s stature in their area, etc., and to leave it up to the quality of a photograph seems quite banal. In any case, I certainly appreciate the “engaged” and “pointed” discussion, chaps !

This gets my vote for the shittiest apology ever. :lol:
Wayne Teipen
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by wmolaw »

wdteipen wrote:
NeroWolfe wrote:Apologies:

1 - I posted this thread twice, as I was not sure which category to put it in. I know: naïve ! stupid !

2 - My expression of irritation was based on the view (my view) that the cover photo on the P&T Magazine was selected based on some tangible / intangible assessment of the quality / worthiness of the subject relative to other items in the issue. In reply to my post on this subject on the Pipes and Tobacco Foundations Forum website, Chuck Stanion, Editor-in-Chief of the P&T Magazine, replied as follows:

Quote: "We choose the cover based on the quality of the photo, not on the perceived merit of the pipemaker associated with a story. You'll get no argument from me that Joe Skoda is a great pipemaker. He provided the pipe photos for his story and none were adequate for the cover. At that size/resolution they were pixilated. The gear punk pipe was sufficiently different to be interesting and had the necessary resolution.
Several times over the years I've received angry emails from people who percieve the choice of a particular cover photo as an insult to another person covered in the magazine, and I've never managed to see the logic. The cover does not represent our idea of the most important story in the magazine; it represents our best shot at printing an interesting photo that will encourage people to open the magazine. Even so, I'd be uncomfortable even implying that one pipemaker in the magazine is more important than another. They all deserve full credit.
Chuck”...end quote

So, it came purely down to quality of the photograph / ability of the photograph to engage an audience ! This could lead to a whole new series of responses on the merits of such an approach, as the recognition associated with being represented on the cover of any publications can have significant impact on an individual’s stature in their area, etc., and to leave it up to the quality of a photograph seems quite banal. In any case, I certainly appreciate the “engaged” and “pointed” discussion, chaps !

This gets my vote for the shittiest apology ever. :lol:
God, that was funny as hell, and I agree!
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by caskwith »

I'll make sure that if P&T ever do a story on me that they have a picture of such high quality you could post it on a billboard so there is no excuse not to put me on the cover. :D
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by wmolaw »

caskwith wrote:I'll make sure that if P&T ever do a story on me that they have a picture of such high quality you could post it on a billboard so there is no excuse not to put me on the cover. :D
Oh, I suspect there would be other reasons. :lol:
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by RDPowell »

Just my 2 cents. Although I'm not a professional or recognized pipe-carver and am still at best a beginner with little knowledge I must say with all bias aside and, NOT criticizing anyone's work or trying to hurt anyone's feelings. I personally don't care for the pipe on said magazine. It shows much skill and imagination but, that's were it ends for me. But, I do understand the thoughts of the magazines publishers in wanting to attract the eye. As far as the said one's photo not being of enough quality to be on the cover instead, my experience with human nature lends me to believe this was not the case and, that the photo was picked because it drew the eye. That said, this is just my opinion, I'm nobody but, thankfully even I still have the right to one.
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by NeroWolfe »

wdteipen........No worries ! Sorry if the inherent sarcasm in my "apology" was overly subtle !! Smoke in peace!
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by LatakiaLover »

The great and wonderful thing about the Internet is it makes possible for people around the world to (effectively) sit in a room together to talk about stuff in real time, share pictures, and so forth.

Amazing, really, considering that my grandfather clearly remembered the astonishment he felt upon hearing someone's voice over a telephone.

The main problem with the Net is you can't reach through the screen to put the occasional dickhead who needs it into a choke hold from time to time.
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by scotties22 »

RDPowell wrote:Just my 2 cents. Although I'm not a professional or recognized pipe-carver and am still at best a beginner with little knowledge I must say with all bias aside and, NOT criticizing anyone's work or trying to hurt anyone's feelings. I personally don't care for the pipe on said magazine. It shows much skill and imagination but, that's were it ends for me. But, I do understand the thoughts of the magazines publishers in wanting to attract the eye. As far as the said one's photo not being of enough quality to be on the cover instead, my experience with human nature lends me to believe this was not the case and, that the photo was picked because it drew the eye. That said, this is just my opinion, I'm nobody but, thankfully even I still have the right to one.

RD- the point is that you would not completely trash a pipe maker while expressing your OPINION that you don't really care for the style of the pipe. There is nothing wrong with not like the pipe on the cover....if it's not your style, it's not your style. There is something VERY, VERY WRONG with stomping your feet and holding your breath and making an ASS of yourself because you don't care of the pipe on the cover. That is essentially what Nero did.

Nero- You are a petulant ass. And consider this ME reaching through the screen and putting you in LL's much loved "choke hold". I strongly suggest you keep these types of thoughts to yourself next might keep a few friends around :lol: And I agree with Wayne...that was a really horrible "apology"
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by NeroWolfe »

Adios, chaps. "scotties22" indication that he wants to choke me is indicative of bullying schoolyard behavior, and not appropriate for what I thought was a professionally oriented forum.
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by LatakiaLover »

NeroWolfe wrote:Adios, chaps. "scotties22" indication that he wants to choke me is indicative of bullying schoolyard behavior, and not appropriate for what I thought was a professionally oriented forum.
Not Scotty. Me.

bye bye
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by scotties22 »

scotties22 is a GIRL. A bully???? Depends on the day. I just called you out on a really really shitty thing to do to another pipe maker....that's all. If you can't take the heat, maybe you should leave this kitchen.

edit: And I stongly believe in protecting our own....of which Nate is.....and you, clearly, are not.
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by RDPowell »

scotties22 wrote:
RDPowell wrote:Just my 2 cents. Although I'm not a professional or recognized pipe-carver and am still at best a beginner with little knowledge I must say with all bias aside and, NOT criticizing anyone's work or trying to hurt anyone's feelings. I personally don't care for the pipe on said magazine. It shows much skill and imagination but, that's were it ends for me. But, I do understand the thoughts of the magazines publishers in wanting to attract the eye. As far as the said one's photo not being of enough quality to be on the cover instead, my experience with human nature lends me to believe this was not the case and, that the photo was picked because it drew the eye. That said, this is just my opinion, I'm nobody but, thankfully even I still have the right to one.

RD- the point is that you would not completely trash a pipe maker while expressing your OPINION that you don't really care for the style of the pipe. There is nothing wrong with not like the pipe on the cover....if it's not your style, it's not your style. There is something VERY, VERY WRONG with stomping your feet and holding your breath and making an ASS of yourself because you don't care of the pipe on the cover. That is essentially what Nero did.

Nero- You are a petulant ass. And consider this ME reaching through the screen and putting you in LL's much loved "choke hold". I strongly suggest you keep these types of thoughts to yourself next might keep a few friends around :lol: And I agree with Wayne...that was a really horrible "apology"
I understand Scottie, I reckon I was just trying to smooth the edges around here. We all have opinions and we all don't agree with each other all the time. Some of us read things differently also, I've been guilty of it myself on several hundred occasions. And maybe I'm wrong again. :banghead: This is what I read,"Gear Pump" / "Steam Punk" pipe !!!!! No offense to the artisan associated with the cover." I read no insults and my first impression of the said pipe was the same, I don't know Nero or Nate but, I've seen Nate's pipes on his website and there some real works of art and as you pointed out before we all have our own taste in pipes. I do agree Nero's post in it's entirety read a bit like a temper tantrum but, I remember when a close friend of mine who is a fine craftsman in his own right had his photos published in a club magazine and they put them in the very back of it and another members on the front cover and, might I mention he had his (the very same) on the front cover the month before. This upset me something bad, granted I made no stink of it on any forum but, it still affected me. All I reckon I'm trying to say is that I understand how Nero felt but, I don't necessarily condone the way or where he expressed himself.
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Re: Summer Edition of P&T Magazine - Crappy !

Post by d.huber »

NeroWolfe wrote:Adios, chaps. "scotties22" indication that he wants to choke me is indicative of bullying schoolyard behavior, and not appropriate for what I thought was a professionally oriented forum.
If you honestly thought this was a professionally oriented forum, your original post doesn't show that.

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