Anse Hatfield rolls on

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oklahoma red
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Anse Hatfield rolls on

Post by oklahoma red »

Interest in the Anse Hatfield replica continues. I finished this one today and it is bound for Oh-Hi-Oh. It was made from a ebauchon that I got from Captain Peg Leg during his fire sale. Randy, if you are out there, good stuff!
Bowl is .812 at the top and is tapered. 4.6 inches OAL. I doubt it weighs much over an ounce.
As always, all comments are welcome.




The Smoking Yeti
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Re: Anse Hatfield rolls on

Post by The Smoking Yeti »

Gorgeous grain! I've gotta say the button is strange to me.

How're you finishing the pipe? I see ripples in the reflecting light.
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oklahoma red
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Re: Anse Hatfield rolls on

Post by oklahoma red »

Thanks SY.
Ah yes, the stem. The so called "Devil Anse" pipe is a combination of a fairly conventional, small Cutty with a weird-ass stem. If you watched the movie and followed the discussion about the Devil Anse pipe on various pipe forums you'll know there has not been a clear shot of the stem on the original. The maker of the original movie pipe is still a mystery. I was one of the first to try to make a replica shortly after the movie aired. All others that I have seen went the conventional button route. I took the other fork in the road. There was one very fuzzy frame shot put up on one board and it was good enough to show the pipe did not have a normal stem/button. My first prototype had no button at all. The stem was a round taper to the end. It worked but you could not relax your clench or it would roll over and dump on you. So I've been putting a rudimentary button on them in order to have something to hang on to. Jam it back in your molars and puff away. If anyone has any better ideas, speak up (as long as it does not drift too close to the conventional). Put up a sketch or something and we'll discuss it. I have another one sold and it's on the lathe right now.
I can assure you there are no ripples in the finish. I sanded and buffed the piss out of it and the surface was as smooth as a baby's butt. I think what you are seeing is the effect of the "unsharp" function in Photoshop. It is actually a misnomer because it does sharpen the digital image. The wood had a lot of figure in it and the Photoshop function enhanced it to the point of making it look rippled. I'll make a note to watch that in the future.
Thank you for your comments.
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